Kakashi-Sensei's Summoning Jutsu

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Tsuki and Kakashi made their way to the training grounds.

"So I have a proposition." Tsuki said

"What's that?" Kakashi looked up from his orange book and cocked an eyebrow.

"Let's keep our relationship mostly professional out in public, yeah?" Tsuki suggested,"We wouldn't want people getting all weird around us and we wouldn't want our enemies using it to their advantage. And while on missions, let's try to keep our emotions out of the way, even though it'll probably be difficult. We wouldn't want to endanger the lives of our comrades because we're too focused on each other."

Kakashi's heart sank at the idea of Tsuki being taken away from him by an enemy simply because they found out she was his weakness,"Um yeah, I completely agree."

"Good, but I get to be as clingy as I want in private, you are kinda like the only person I can consider family, ya know?" Tsuki chuckled.

Kakashi gasped slightly. He hadn't even thought about the fact that Tsuki was kind of his only family as well. Neither of them had parents, or siblings, they were both the last members of their clan,"Same." He replied turning his attention back to his book.

They made it to the training grounds.

"Ok Kakashi-Sensei....what are you gonna teach me first?" Tsuki mused.

"Don't call me that." He teased back. He low-key kinda liked it, but he'd never admit that to her,"Well why I don't I teach you how to summon ninja hounds first? I think it would be useful out in the field. I can summon up to eight ninja hounds: Pakkun, who you've met, Bull, Urushi, Shiba, Bisuke, Akino, Uhei, and Guruko. They all have different but similar abilities. Ninja hounds are mostly used for tracking and hunting. Maybe we should just start you out with making a contract with Pakkun?" Kakashi said while summoning his ninja hound.

"Pakkun!!!" Tsuki yelled as he ran up to her to get petted.

"Is something going on Kakashi?" Pakkun looked around.

"Hi Pakkun. No nothing's wrong, I'm just teaching Tsuki here how to summon ninja hounds." Kakashi explained.

"What?! You mean you're actually teaching someone else?! This girl must be something special huh?" Pakkun commented making Tsuki smiled wide.

"Sooo what do I do?" Tsuki asked.

"Here." Pakkun said handing over a tiny scroll from his jacket,"You need to make a blood contract with me. Then Kakashi will show you the hand signs and you should be able to summon me from there."

"Ok sounds easy enough." Tsuki unrolled the scroll and then took out a kunai and sliced her thumb to draw blood and swiped it onto the paper. She then sucked the blood of her finger and wrapped it in a small bandage.

Pakkun disappeared along with the contract.

"Wait did I do something wrong?" Tsuki said worried she messed something up.

"Yes, oh my God you completely fucked this up!" Kakashi said with a disappointed tone.

"Seriously?!" She became worried

"No, that's supposed to happen, let me teach you the hand signs now." He said with a closed eye smile kneeling down next to her.

"Not cool, Hatake!" Tsuki said grimacing at him and his stupid smile

"Bear. Dog. Monkey. Bird. Tiger." Kakashi told her,"Then you just press your palm into the ground and a seal should form and you should summon Pakkun if you put the right amount of chakra into it."

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now