Caught (🍋)

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"Finally." Tsuki sighed as she collapsed onto the bed. After bath time, many snacks, many bedtime stories, and retucking Kai and Kanari back into bed at least four times, Tsuki had finally gotten the twins to fall asleep after a few hours.

Kakashi was working late at the office that night, leaving Tsuki to handle the rambunctious kiddos by herself. She was exhausted and she looked to her right in bed and quickly starting missing Kakashi and frowned. Being Hokage was a lot of work and Kakashi had been spending more late nights at the office catching up on the mountains of paperwork he had laying around in his office.

Tsuki smiled at the thought of Kakashi's warmth next to her. She missed him in more ways than one. She missed his presence, his kisses, his voice, his cuddles, his dick. It had been a while since she they had sex and she was feeling the effects of it.

Tsuki got lost in her thoughts of Kakashi, she didn't even notice her left hand drift down and squeeze her own breast firmly while the right one drifted down into her underwear where she started gently touching herself.

Her mind flooded with all the times her and Kakashi had sex. How he would touch her, hold her, whisper sweet nothings and dirty talk into her ear. She lived for that shit.

She pictured him railing her as he grabbed the headboard just to pound into her harder and harder until tears came to her eyes. She pictured seeing his hair stick to his forehead with sweat and his jawline tightening as he grunted with each thrust.

"Fuck..." Tsuki was rubbing herself faster and harder, the other hand pinched her nipple for more stimulation. She tried to replicate how Kakashi would touch her, but she was kidding herself, he was an expert when it came to that. She couldn't copy it.

She was about to cum, but she didn't want to cum that fast, if she was going to make herself cum, it needed to be big, otherwise she would just be feeling like this again tomorrow night.

Instead she slipped one finger inside her velvety entrance and teased herself with an in and out motion.

"Ohhhh.." Tsuki sighed quietly, alone in her and Kakashi's bedroom.

She didn't know when to stop edging herself, she was enjoying her imaginary sex with Kakashi too much to stop now. So instead she continued alternating rubbing her clit and fingering herself while a large orgasm continued to build in her abdomen.

Tsuki stripped off her pants and underwear and rolled onto her stomach with her hand still in between her legs as she grinded on her hand and the sheets.

A new scenario popped into her head. This time Kakashi was fucking her doggystyle with his thumb in her ass while he pulled her head back by her hair.

"Fuck, Kashi.." she sighed again. She desperately longed for release and was about to give it to herself when she was interrupted.

"Miss me that much?" Kakashi said from the doorway of their bedroom. He was leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest, clearly enjoying the view.

Tsuki was startled and immediately flipped over and pulled the covers over herself as she turned to face him.

"Oh my god, I'm embarrassed..." Tsuki said as her face turned red.

"Why?" Kakashi said with a smirk while he removed his shirt and undid his belt buckle,"That was fucking hot, Kuraku.. Moaning my name and shit while you touch yourself..."

Tsuki looked down and saw there was an obvious tent in his pants before he ripped off his pants and boxers and locked the door behind him. He made his way over and stood at the edge of the bed.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now