Tsuki's Infinite Tsukuyomi

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*Tsuki's POV*
I felt like I suddenly just appeared out of thin air.  My surroundings felt familiar, but so different and odd at the same time.

I looked around and I was back in my old apartment in Konoha, before I had moved in with Kakashi.  I looked under the covers, I was naked. And then I felt a warm naked body against me as someone's arms squeezed my waist a little tighter.

Wait, this doesn't feel like Kakashi's grip.  Or his warmth.

I sat up suddenly to see who was in my bed next to me.

"Genma?!" I yelled.

"What, what's going on?!" I seemed to have startled him awake.

This situation felt foreign, but somehow so familiar.  Is that possible? What the fuck is going on?

"Jesus you scared me, babe.." Genma said to me.


Did I sleep with Genma?

"Good thing you're awake, I think it's time for you to go pick up the kids from the Hokage's tower..." Genma said.

"The kids? Hokage's tower?" I replied.  What the fuck was he talking about.  Wait, yeah I remember, I had kids with Kakashi. Wait no, I just found out I was pregnant and in the middle of a war. What is Genma talking about?

"Yeah it's your week to have the twins.  Remember? You and Kakashi have been alternating custody like this since the divorce like a year ago." He elaborated

Divorce?! Kakashi and I divorced?! A year ago?!

Oh wait, yeah I remember that happening.

But I don't remember it at the same time.

"Oh yeah, I guess it is my week huh." I replied.  Genma squeezed my waist a little tighter and placed a kiss to my lips, I felt disgusted but warm at the same time? WHAT IS GOING ON?!

"Remind me why we got divorced again?" I asked trying to make sense of the whole situation.

"Are you okay, babe?" Genma replied,"After the war you had your kids and Kakashi became Hokage and got so busy with work that you felt like your family got put on the back burner.  So you ended up getting divorced after you grew apart.. At least that's what you told me..."

"Right. Sorry I'm just not feeling like myself today." I replied trying to play off my confusion.

Am I cheating on Kakashi?

No wait he said we're divorced, I can't be cheating.

"Well I better get up and get going..." I said quickly running to my bathroom and showering before getting dressed.  My headband with the Hatake and Kuraku crests was missing, so I put on a plain leaf ninja headband.

I walked through the streets of Konoha toward the Hokage building.  I gulped as I worried about seeing Kakashi. 

Are we on good terms after the divorce?

What do our kids look like?

I wonder what he feels towards me?

I shook off my nervousness and knocked on the door of the Hokage's office.

"Come in!" Kakashi's voice called from the other side.

I bit my lip and opened the door and saw him sitting there.

He looked the same as always, except his ninja outfit had changed a bit.  He looked so handsome....and yummy.

But wait, we're divorced and I'm dating Genma.  Am I allowed to have those thoughts?

"Oh hey Tsuki, how are you today?" He said flatly, like he was just asking out of courtesy.

"I'm well.  How about you Kashi?" I replied.

"Kashi?" He asked quirking an eyebrow,"Haven't heard you call me that in a while..." The tone of his voice sounded sad, and it hurt my heart.

"S-sorry, old habits I guess..."

"Are you here for the kids?" He asked. I nodded,"They're in the daycare center with Shizune. You can head down there if you like. I spent plenty of time with them this week."

I felt like he was almost a stranger with the way he was talking to me.

"I just have a couple of questions.  If you have time..." I asked sheepishly

"Yeah I guess I have a little time. Is something the matter?" He asked

"I woke up today and just wasn't feeling like myself so I wanted to ask.....what......what happened to us?"

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now