The Capture

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Tsuki stood with team seven and faced the group of people that ambushed them in Godai.

"Care to explain who you are?" She said to the man standing at the front.

"It doesn't matter who I am. All that matters is that you come with us, Tsuki Hatake.." he spoke, he removed his hood and there he was. The pale white man with a diagonal scar across his face.  Tsuki felt the ominous chakra presence Kakashi was talking about.

"Well that's stupid, why would I go with you if I don't even know who you are?" Tsuki said sarcastically.

Naruto had his fingers crossed on front of his face,"Tsuki-sensei can we just fight them already?!"

"Hold on, Naruto. We need to find out more information." Tsuki eye'd the man,"So what do you say, you tell me who you are and why you're here and I'll think about your offer." She activated her Chojougan and scanned the enemies before her and started to size up their strength and abilities.  Sasuke was doing the same with his Sharingan.

The enemy quirked an eyebrow,"If you must know. My name is Shin Ozawa. This is the revival of my clan" he gestured to the people around him.

Tsuki's breathing hitched, but she maintained her outward composure,"I thought the Ozawa clan was extinct?"

"Not completely, we've been hiding in the shadows waiting for our clan to rise up from the ashes and claim power over the Chojougan and the Kaimetsu Chojougan and rule over the world!."

"Sooo you're the one who stole the scrolls from my house right?" Tsuki was toying with the guy.

"We don't have time for this banter, you need to come with us Hatake! I'd imagine you'd want to. Considering we possess one of the moonstones..."

Tsuki's heart dropped.

'Fuck' she thought. She had just been shown the visions of the Kaimetsu Chojougan's destructive power and now one of the moonstones had already fallen into the wrong hands.

"And what is me going with you going to solve? I can't unlock the power of the moonstones." Tsuki said.

Shin smiled deviously.

"Tsuki, they're likely trying to get you away from the village so Kakashi will come after you and they'll have access to take the twins." Sasuke said.

"Don't do it, Tsuki-sensei!" Sakura said

Tsuki whispered to her team"I don't think you understand how important it is for me to get the moonstone out of their possession.
I doubt they'll try to hurt me. I'm the last Chojougan user, they can't kill me, they need my power to control the Kaimetsu Chojougan they'll probably keep me alive to try and bargain with Kakashi.

"Unfortunately, that makes sense." Sasuke responded in a low whisper

"Go back and report to Kakashi and tell him to get a team together to come after me. Once I get to their hideout I'll send Pakkun so you can find me. If the situation becomes too unsafe I'll find a way to escape, but I need to get that moonstone away from them. This is the only way we'll forsure find out where they've been hiding."

"Whatever you say Tsuki-sensei.." Naruto backed off his defensive stance.

Tsuki put her hands in the air,"Alright Shin, I'll go with you." She slowly walked towards him, shooting him a death glare. Shin smiled.

When she got in front of him two other clan members shot out metal hand cuffs around Tsuki's wrists to shackle them together in front of her. She just let it happen. She knew she couldn't allow them to keep the moonstone.

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura glanced at each and began to run away back towards the village.

Shin put his hand to the top of Tsuki's head and her vision went black as he put her to sleep. He hoisted her over his shoulder.

"Let's head back everyone!" He yelled, the Ozawa clan member responded in unison,"Yes, sir!"

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now