Tsuki Knew Pain Once Again

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Tsuki and Genma stood on a tree branch overlooking the village, which upon examination had largely been reduced to rubble.

Tsuki's heart quickened, wondering where Kakashi was in all this mess. She didn't even know where to begin looking.

"Did someone attack the Leaf Village?" Tsuki wondered aloud.

"It appears that way." Genma said snatching the Intel documents out of Tsuki's hands,"Listen, I'm gonna go take these to Lady Tsunade and complete the mission.  Just go out and find Kakashi, I know that's probably all you want to do right now."

Tsuki looked at him with a smile,"Thank you Genna!" Tsuki hopped down to the ground and weaved some hand signs,"Summoning Jutsu!" She yelled as she smacked her palm into the ground summoning Pakkun.

Pakkun took a look around at the state of the village,"Hey, Tsuki.  What the hell happened here?"

"I don't know, I suspect someone has attacked the leaf while I was away on a mission. But I'm trying to find Kakashi first in all this. You think you can sniff him out?" Tsuki asked.

Pakkun sniffed the air a few times,"Sure! He's this way!". He took off running and Tsuki followed behind him. 

They ran for about ten minutes when Pakkun lost his footing on a rock that sent some debris to crash on top of him.  Tsuki who was close behind jumped over to dodge the debris but looked back to try and save Pakkun.

"Just keep going straight for a couple more minutes! His scent's the strongest around there" Pakkun yelled before he disappeared into a puff of smoke before the debris could crush him.  Tsuki, relieved that Pakkun was safe, kept running to find Kakashi.

As she passed she saw many dead and injured shinobi lying in the destruction with Lady Katsuyuu, Tsunade's summoning healing slug, making her way to all the victims.

'I hope Kashi is okay' she thought to herself as she continued running at full speed.

A couple of minutes had passed and Tsuki reached a small crater surrounded by debris and began looking for Kakashi.

"This is where Pakkun said he would be!" Tsuki grew frustrated,"Did he move or something? She walked up to small hill of rock where she saw an unfamiliar body laying down crushed to bits and kneeled down to examine him.  The man was pale and has black spikes sticking out all over his body, and his eyes were a swirling purple color.

"Is this the Rinnegan? Did Pain attack the village?" Tsuki thought aloud some more.  Tsuki stood once again and walked forward when she saw it.

She saw a silver spikey-haired figure buried to his shoulders in rubble.  Blood was trickling down his face and his head was slumped forward.  He didn't appear to be moving.  Tsuki's eyes went wide and she tried to suppress her thoughts that the worst had happened to Kakashi.

"Kakashi!! Are you ok?" Tsuki yelled as she jumped down to his side and began digging him out of the rubble.

No response.

"Kakashi open your eyes and say something!" She pleaded pulling him out of the rubble and laying him flat on the ground. 

His chest wasn't rising and falling.  Tsuki knew what was wrong, but she denied it.

"Damnit Kakashi! Just open your eyes!" Tears began to fall from her eyes as she began doing chest compressions on him

He was cold and pale.  His fingertips and around his eyes were blue. Still Tsuki denied the truth and she continued pressing down on his chest, feeling his sternum and ribs break under her hands. Instead she turned to the new medical ninjutsu Sakura had taught her and her hands glowed green against his lifeless chest

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now