Flashback: Names

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Flashback, Tsuki is six months pregnant and Kakashi is about to become Hokage.

*Thump thump thump*

The ultrasound tech removed the wand from Tsuki's belly.

"Everything looks and sounds good Mrs. Hatake." She smiled looking at Kakashi holding onto Tsuki's hand. They were in for an emergency checkup,"The twins are perfectly healthy and are progressing just like they should. It's normal to have some spotting here and there, as long as it's not a large amount."

"Thank goodness." Kakashi said. Tsuki had woken up with a little bit of blood in her underwear, making her and Kakashi panic that something had happened to the babies.

Tsuki breathed a sigh of relief,"So we're still on track for July 15th?"

"Yes, just keep coming in for your biweekly checkups to make sure everything is going smoothly." She reassured her,"You guys sure you still don't want to know the sex of the babies?"

Kakashi and Tsuki looked at each,"We're sure." They said in unison.  They wanted it to be a surprise.

"Okay then, well I'll see you in a couple of weeks!"

Kakashi helped Tsuki out of the chair and they walked hand in hand out of the clinic.

"Let's go baby shopping?" Tsuki said with begging eyes.

Kakashi smiled,"We've already bought so much stuff, Tsuki! We don't even have room for it all in the house! You're spending all my money woman!" He teased

"Don't act like we don't share a bank account, Hatake!" Tsuki teased back,"Besides, it's not me spending the money, it's the children, they want more clothes!"

"Ahh, fine, Kuraku let's go.." Kakashi started walking towards the shops with Tsuki in hand.

They walked into a baby clothing store and Tsuki immediately went over to the newborn section and started picking outfits to buy. Kakashi couldn't help but stare at Tsuki in her giddy state as she pulled multiple clothes off the rack.

"Why are you getting dresses, Tsuki?" Kakashi asked,"We don't even know if we're having a girl. I thought we agreed gender-neutral clothing until they're born.."

"Well we should be prepared in case we have two girls!" Tsuki said.

Kakashi sighed, he wasn't gonna win this battle. He let her throw whatever she wanted into the shopping cart.

"What if we have two boys?" He said

"Well we can still put them in the dresses.." Tsuki giggled.

Kakashi laughed and broke off from her to explore other parts of the store to pick out other actual essential items. Bottles, rattles, pacifiers, burping towels. He came back with a handful of stuff and set them in the shopping cart on top of the mountain of clothes Tsuki had built up.

"Okay, Tsuki this is getting ridiculous.." he said pulling out some of the outfits from the cart to hang back up on the rack.

"Stop acting like we don't have money, Hatake!" Tsuki giggled again. She was actually shocked when Kakashi took her to add her to his bank account, which contained millions of dollars.

*Flashback within a flashback*
"My dad left me a lot of assets when he died, and I've gone on a lot of A- and S-ranked missions..." Kakashi explained.

Tsuki was taken aback, she wasn't with Kakashi for money, she didn't even know he had it. It was just shocking that the guy who would argue with Naruto on who would pay for ramen was rolling in cash. It was in stark contrast to her, who used to be rich as royalty in Godai, but lost everything and had almost nothing to her name, besides the small savings she had built going on missions when she arrived at the Leaf Village.

"I just never spend it..." Kakashi chuckled rubbing the back of his neck,"But what's mine is yours now, Mrs. Hatake!"

*Back to present flashback*

"Ugh, I guess you're right." He said throwing the clothes back into the cart.

They paid for everything and Tsuki picked up several shopping bags and headed out the store.

"Give those to me, dork." Kakashi said ripping the bags out of her hand,"You just worry about carrying the twins, I can carry the bags."

Tsuki laughed and handed them over. They made their way back home.

After they threw the bags in the nursery to be unpacked later. The pregnant, newlywed couple sat on the couch together.

"Have you thought anymore about names?" Tsuki asked.

"Yeah. So I'd rather not be reminded of my failures in life so I think naming then Obito or Rin is out of the question. Maybe save them for a middle name instead." Kakashi explained.

"Okay out of the list of boy names you gave me I really like Takeo, Yuma, and Kai.." Tsuki said.

"Out of those three, I really like Kai and Takeo. So if we have two boys, Kai and Takeo?" Kakashi looked at his wife's loving blue eyes. She was laying her head on his lap, looking back up at him. He ran his fingers through her soft brown locks and became intoxicated by the scent of her shampoo as it hit his nose

Tsuki smiled,"Kai and Takeo. I liked the idea of using our father's name for middle names. Kai Sakumo or Takeo Sakumo? Kai Tsusuri...Takeo Tsusuri?"

"I think Kai Sakumo and Takeo Tsusuri sounds good.." Kakashi smiled, picturing himself running around with his two sons.

"Okay but what if we only have one boy. Out of both of those names, which one do you like more?" Tsuki asked.

"Okay on the count of three we'll say the name we like more at the same time." Kakashi said,"1....2....3.."

"Kai Sakumo." They said in unison.  They both laughed.

"Well I guess that's it then..Kai Sakumo Hatake if we have one boy" Kakashi said,"Okay what about girls names I liked Akemi, Kiyo, Mai, Nozomi. Kanari..." Kakashi kept listing names.

"Whoa, looks like you've been thinking more about girl names than boy names." Tsuki chuckled

"I can't stop thinking about the idea of having a little girl!" Kakashi said excitedly,"I could have a daughter, Tsuki, two daughters even!"

Tsuki laughed,"Okay of I had to pick two out of those... I like Kanari and Nozomi.."

"Let's use your mom's name... I really liked her when I met her.." Kakashi said.

"How about Kanari Misaki and Nozomi Rin?" Tsuki suggested.

Kakashi breathing hitched, the idea of naming his daughter after his best friend warmed his heart, like it was a way of honoring her legacy, but the name Kanari Misaki spoke to him

"I like both of those names, but if we only have one girl, I think I'd prefer Kanari Misaki..." He said.

"Me too." Tsuki gave him a warm smile that made his heart flutter.

Kakashi kept having these moments throughout Tsuki's pregnancy that hit him and made him realize all over again that he was going to be a father soon. This was one of those moments

"Kanari Misaki Hatake and Nozomi Rin Hatake." He said.

"And Kai Sakumo Hatake and Takeo Tsusuri Hatake." Tsuki said.

"Or Kai and Kanari." He replied

"Or Kai and Kanari." She smiled at him

"I like the sound of that."

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