The Question (the fluffiest of fluffs)

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*Time skip to October 6th, two days before the 4th Great Shinobi War*

Tsuki stood in her underwear and Kakashi's oversized t-shirt hunched over the sink, impatiently waiting for the little stick she peed on to tell her whether or not she was going to be a mother.

She was a few days late. Nothing too crazy. Could be stress related as she almost worked 7 days a week. Her and Kakashi never used protection so she wouldn't be surprised if it happened, she'd even be happy. Kakashi and her had been together for over a year at this point, she knew their relationship was rock solid. But with an approaching war, she hoped she wasn't. She was too valuable to the Shinobi Allied Forces as 1st Lieutenant of the Third Division to have to sit out an entire war because she was dumb enough to let Kakashi knock her up. In addition, the thought of Kakashi going to war without her and potentially dying, leaving her child without a father ripped her heart in two. And with Madara having captured every tailed beast besides Naruto and Killer Bee, they expected the war to start in a couple of days. She tried not to overthink it until the test resulted.

Three painful minutes passed by.


Tsuki let out a sigh of relief and threw the test in the trash.

She made her way into the kitchen where Kakashi was putting their dirty dishes from dinner in the sink.

Kakashi watched her face, knowing she was taking a pregnancy test in the other room. He wanted to stay there with her, but she shooed him away, the stress was too much for her.

"Negative." She said. Kakashi breathed his own sigh of relief and held his hand up for a high five, which she happily slapped with her own hand as she jumped in the air.

He wanted to have kids with Tsuki. At least one kid. But not right now, for the same reasons Tsuki didn't.

"We lucked out didn't we?" He said jokingly.

"Yes, but seriously dude you need to stop nutting in me cause we're pushing our luck" Tsuki said crossing her arms.

Kakashi pouted,"How do you expect me to stop?! It feels so good." He faked wiping a tear from his eye.

"Wait until at least after the war, dummy." Tsuki replied laughing at him pouting.

"Ughh..... Fine." Kakashi said. Tsuki walked up and hugged Kakashi from behind as he started doing the dishes.

"Don't, babe." Tsuki held his forearm to stop him,"You made dinner, I'll do the dishes. Come on it's been over a year you should know the process." She smiled at him.

"Ok if you insist." Kakashi smiled back at her and leaned down to kiss her forehead.

'Damn, it's been over a year.' Kakashi thought as he realized how long Tsuki and him had been together. He felt like he's known her for a lifetime, but at the same time, with the way he still got butterflies in his stomach every time she was around, he felt like their relationship was brand new.

"You better marry that girl eventually or I'll haunt you from the grave!"

Kakashi's father's voice echoed through his head and he thought about how he wanted to spend the rest of his life with Tsuki.

He had bought a ring six months into their relationship and he almost asked 'the question' then. But he didn't want to rush things, they were happy, so instead he opted for the custom forehead protector that Tsuki still wore everyday. He had hinted that he wanted to make her his wife, but he never fully committed to it. He still had this fear in his head of losing her.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now