Remembering Jiraiya

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It had been a couple days since Tsuki had learned the Chidori and Kakashi and her were just enjoying their time off together.

Captain Yamato and team seven had returned from their mission and everyone was relaxing in the village.

Kakashi was sitting on the couch reading his book while Tsuki was napping with her head rested in his lap. There was a knock at the door.

Kakashi slowly lifted her head and set it on the couch to answer to the door. It was Shizune and she appeared teary eyed.

"Hi Kakashi." She said with a shaky voice,"Lady Fifth would like to see you and Tsuki in her office. It's urgent."

"We'll be there right away.' he replied. Shizune bowed and Kakashi closed the door and went back to the couch to wake Tsuki.

"Hey, love." He shook her shoulders and she reluctantly opened her eyes,"We need to go to Lady Tsunade's office. She's summoned us urgently."

Tsuki nodded and got up from the couch quickly,"Could this be about Jiraiya? Should we bring gear with us in case she sends us on a mission?"

"Let's just see what she wants first." Kakashi took her hand and led her to the front door. Then they jumped into the rooftop buildings to make it to the Hokage's office faster.

Kakashi and Tsuki entered, Sai and Sakura were already there as well as Shizune and a small frog, likely one of Jiraiya's summoning animals.

Everyone had a somber look on their face.

"What's going on?" Tsuki asked wearily.

"We're going to tell Naruto next, but we felt it important to tell you first, so that his friends and senseis could support him at a time like this." Tsunade said choking back tears,"Jiraiya died fighting the leader of the Akatsuki on his mission to the Village Hidden in the Rain."

Kakashi's and Tsuki's hearts sank at the news and tears began to fall down Tsuki's cheeks as she held back a sob.

'That's impossible!' Tsuki thought,'Jiraiya was extremely strong! How could he lose?'

She turned to Kakashi,"Go get Naruto." She stated simply, trying to be strong after losing such an important comrade. Kakashi looked to Tsunade and she gave him a nod of approval and Kakashi jumped out the window towards Naruto's house.

'This is a devastating blow to the village. How strong could this Pain really be? It must be inhuman if he defeated Jiraiya.' Kakashi thought on his way to gather Naruto.

Tsuki just hung her head. She was going to miss Jiraiya and all of his pervy comments. She couldn't imagine how hard this was going to hit Naruto.

A few minutes passed and Kakashi returned with Naruto as they both entered the office through the door.

Naruto inspected the room and saw all of his closest comrades and teachers were there.

"So this is Jiraiya boy's student is it?" The toad spoke up.

"What's with the old geezer frog?" Naruto asked,"Who's he?"

"Watch your mouth Naruto." Tsunade scolded,"He's one of the two great sages of Mt. Myoboku, Lord Fukusaku. He travelled all the way here just so he could speak with you."

"Answer me this." Lord Fukusaku spoke up again,"Are you really Jiraiya boy's student or aren't you?"

"A boy?!" Naruto had a knack for getting offended and heated easily,"Don't you treat the pervy sage like a kid, who's this geezer frog think he is anyway?!"

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now