Co-Op Mission

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Tsuki trudged her way through the village early in the morning after coming back from an exhausting solo mission. She desperately just wanted to go to bed.

"Good morning Tsuki-sensei! Am I still going to your apartment this morning to teach you some medical ninjutsu?" Sakura asked as she came up to her on the street.

She looked at her with tired eyes, she totally forgot about her coming over,"Can you come later in the afternoon Sakura? I need to get some sleep first. I'm beat from my mission." She did want Sakura to teach her some more medical ninjutsu, but there was no way she had the energy nor the chakra right now.

"That sounds good to me! I hope you feel better." She continued on her merry way.

Tsuki arrived at her apartment, fumbling for her keys and struggling to unlock the door before finally getting inside and dropping her travel pack at the entrance. With a big sigh, she peeled her shirt off her body and began to strip down to just her bra and underwear, relieving herself of the fabric that was stiff with sweat and dirt.

'Too tired to make it to the bedroom' she thought as her mind and body resigned themselves to sleeping on the couch.

"Ahhh" she let out a final sigh of relief as she collapsed onto her sofa and fell into a much needed deep sleep.


*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Her eyes fluttered open at the noise. Looking over at the clock on her coffee table, she saw that it was 10:30 AM, meaning she managed to get four measly hours of uninterrupted sleep.

'Ugh Sakura you're too early!' she thought assuming Sakura had come to do her medical ninjutsu lessons.

"Come in!" Tsuki yelled grumpily as she shifted on the couch, easily falling back into a light sleep within seconds.

"Uh...umm...Tsuki?" A familiar voice said nervously

"What do you want Kakashi." She said annoyed and sleepy. That's when she finally forced herself awake.

'Wait, KAKASHI?!' It suddenly hit her that she was just in her bra and panties, and she had invited in one of her male comrades!

Acting faster than the Fourth Hokage himself, she sprung up off the couch and reached for a nearby throw blanket to quickly cover her half naked body.

"Kakashi! What are you doing in here you pervert?!" She yelled as her face turned bright red.

"You told me to come in!" He choked out. His eyes were so wide they looked they were going to pop out of his head.

"Well what do you want?! Are you just here to stare?!" She yelled trying to compensate for her embarrassment.

"The Hokage has summoned us for a mission and wants to see us right away." He said sheepishly, his exposed face turning red.

Tsuki stared at him in disbelief and embarrassment, absolutely refusing believe this was happening right now.

"Fine." She sighed breaking the awkward silence,"I'll go shower and get dressed."

She turned and walked to her bedroom and grabbed fresh clothes, showered as quickly as she could and walked back out into the living room. Kakashi was still there seemingly frozen in time, his eyes still wide and his jaw visibly hanging open under his mask.

She walked directly up in front of him and lifted her hand to push up on his chin closing his mouth,"You saw nothing, Hatake." She whispered threateningly into his ear. He shuddered at her statement before composing himself and returning his facial expression back to his normal bored look with half lidded eyes.

Tsuki picked up her backpack that had all her supplies in it from her last mission and opened the door,"Ok let's get to Hokage's office."

Once they got to the Hokage's office, Lady Tsunade explained to them their mission.

"So you want us to travel to the edge of the Land of Fire and meet up with Master Jiraiya and exchange Intel on the Akatsuki?" Tsuki clarified

"Yup." Lady Tsunade

"But why do you need two jonin for this mission? It sounds fairly simple." Tsuki inquired. Not that she wouldn't mind going on a mission with Kakashi, but since she saw the lack of available ninja, she was genuinely curious.

"I'm worried that if I were to only send one of you, you might get ambushed by any number of enemies or even the Akatsuki themselves. You two are my strongest jonin, so I would feel better if you completed this mission together because the two of you could fight anyone you might run into." Tsunade explained further.

Tsuki shrugged her shoulders,"Makes sense to me I guess." She glanced over at Kakashi and he nodded his head

"Alright, I guess we'll head out then." He said and Kakashi and Tsuki parted ways with Tsunade and made their way to the edge of village.

"Follow me." Kakashi said with a bored look on his face.

"Yes your Majesty!" She said bantering with her comrade. He rolled his eyes and they began hopping through the trees of the forest together to the destination.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now