The History of the Kuraku Clan

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"We're you ever told the story of the founder of your clan? Luna Kuraku?" Orochimaru asked Tsuki.

"Yes. She was the first person to connect her chakra to water, using the inspiration and power of the moon. After using the same technique with the other five nature types, her eyes turned black and allowed her to view the different swirling colors of nature chakra. She was the first to develop the Chojougan eyes." Tsuki explained.

"Correct." Orochimaru mused,"Did you know she had twins?"

Tsuki looked puzzled at his statement. She didn't know that.

"Fraternal twins. A girl named Kirei Kuraku and a boy named Kaito."

"As they grew up they became extremely powerful and talented shinobi that had perfect control over the Chojougan eyes. They developed quickly. But Luna was keeping a secret hidden away."

Tsuki quirked an eyebrow. These details of her clan were new to her.

"When Luna first developed her eyes her power actually exceeded that of the typical Chojougan user. She developed the power to control weather. She could create typhoons, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes, lightning storms all on a massive, world-ending scale. Wanting to protect the world from such destructive power she sealed it into two moonstones that are hidden somewhere around the world. And, since the Ozawa clan was after this power, she sealed the key to unlocking and activating the moonstones into her twins chakra system, so that she no longer had access to them. And the twins in the clan's royal bloodline would only be born every one thousand years."

Kakashi's arm squeezed Tsuki's shoulder but Tsuki was intently listening to Orochimaru.

"Eventually as you know, the Ozawa and Kuraku had a battle, not only because the Ozawa wished to steal the power of the Chojougan, but wanted to get ahold of those two moonstones so that they could control the world and rule over everyone. The Ozawa lost of course and are now extinct." Orochimaru smirked.

"Get to the point, Orochimaru." Tsuki spat.

"I don't know I just find it a crazy coincidence that Luna Kuraku was your great grandmother ten times over, that your name, Tsuki, also translates to moon, you were the most powerful Chojougan user in your clan, and you and Lord Sixth seemed to have produced fraternal twins that are developing much faster than the average infants..... I mean, their names even start with a 'K' just as Luna's did" A wicked smile spread across his face.

Tsuki didn't know her lineage traced all the way back to the origin of her clan. She wasn't aware of any of this

"Your parents even called you 'their little moonstone' am I right?" Orochimaru said

"So you're saying my children are the next twins in the clan's bloodline, and their chakra stores are the keys to harnessing the power of these moonstones you speak of?" Tsuki kept a straight face but her heart was racing out of concern for her children.

"Precisely." He responded

"And why wouldn't have Tsusuri passed any of this on to Tsuki, their own daughter? Why keep it a secret? Especially one this big" Kakashi asked, he couldn't tell if he trusted Orochimaru's word or not.

"Since the power of the moonstones was so great and caused essentially a war between the two major clans in the area, Luna decided to keep this secret to herself and allow the Kuraku remain as a pacifistic, politically neutral clan for the sake of her children and future clan members. Therefore the knowledge of these things were only known by the clan leaders. Once that clan leader was to step down from the throne, they would pass the ancient scrolls on to the next leader." Orochimaru explained,"It was outlined in those scrolls the thief took. I read them when I initially came to your village..."

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