An Idea

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"Tsuki-sensei what do we do now that Shin has control of the Kaimetsu Chojougan?!" Naruto asked.

The group was holed up in a cave, trying to figure out their next move against Shin, who now had full control of the Kaimetsu.

"I don't care." Tsuki said flatly holding Kai's body in her arms, lightly stroking his face with her fingers. He looked like he was just sleeping. Kakashi was next to her holding Kanari.

Naruto sighed and wiped the tears that were rolling down his face, he was devastated that Kai and Kanari had died, but he still had a duty to protect the Village, otherwise more people would die.

"Naruto, let me see those moonstones you picked up" Shikamaru said holding out his hands. Naruto handed them over.

Tsuki and Kakashi were in their own little world, holding their dead children. Their lives had fallen apart, at the same time they felt like this wasn't real. They hoped they'd both wake up and find out this was a horrible fucking nightmare.

"How did we let this happen Kashi?" Tsuki said sniffling, with tears running down her face.

"This was all my fault, Tsuki, please don't blame yourself for this at all. This was my decision as Hokage to go on this mission." Kashi said as his own tears fell on Kanari's pale face,"And look where it got us..."

Kakashi felt like someone had put a Chidori through his chest, his heart hurt, his whole body was numb, but he tried his best to remain strong for Tsuki, he couldn't bear the thought of her harboring any guilt thinking she had any fault in this.

"No this is my fault." Tsuki said with sadness lacing her voice,"This is all because of my bloodline from the Kuraku clan. And I should have just womaned up and had Orochimaru remove the curse mark, otherwise Shin wouldn't be the only one who could control the Kaimetsu right now."

Tsuki wanted nothing more to go back to six days ago at the inn when Kakashi and her gave the twins their nightly bath and snuggled in bed with them all night. That was bliss. This was a nightmare.

They heard a loud crash as trees fell around the tropical forest. Shin was on a rampage and they likely didn't have much time left to wait around in this cave.

Sakura and Ino were crying as well.

"This was neither of your faults..." Temari tried to be the voice of reason,"This was just an extremely bad chain of events that led to this horrible outcome.."

Tsuki and Kakashi stayed silent. Naruto just balled up his fists with rage that he had towards Shin for killing his little brother and sister.

Shikamaru examined the moonstones, and noticed that the chakra that they used to emit was gone, they were just plain stones now.

"Lord Kakashi.." Shikamaru said.

"Drop the Lord part.." Kakashi replied not taking his eyes off of Kanari's face as he brushed her silver bangs behind her ear. He used his finger to lightly trace the features of her cute little face, he wanted to memorize every detail before he had to bury her.

"Kakashi!" Shikamaru said forcefully. Kakashi was shocked that he actually didn't call him Lord and looked up, still cradling Kanari.

"We may be able to reverse the twins death..." He said.

Tsuki's ears perked up hearing him say this.

She became frantic,"What?! How?! How Shikamaru?!"

"You better not be joking, Shikamaru.." Kakashi said in a low deep voice.  His heart was being tugged on in every direction. He was just trying to process that his children died, and now they might be able to bring them back to life?

"I don't know for certain, but it seems like when they touched the moonstones.... I think the light that came out of the sky didn't come from the sky, I think it came from them. Once the light stopped, there was a bolt of lightning that came down to destroy their bodies, but you were able to stop and absorb it before it hit them, Kakashi-sensei." Shikamaru started explaining

They nodded and Shikamaru continued explaining.

"I don't think it's just their chakra stores that are the key to unlocking the moonstones, I think these moonstones are their life force. And it got taken away from them and converted into the Kaimetsu when they came into contact with the stones. As you can see now, there's no chakra emitting from them like before..."

Kakashi's eyes lit up, it was a slim chance it would work but he knew where Shikamaru was going with this.

"What the hell are you talking about Shikamaru?!" Naruto snapped. Naruto hadn't a clue what was going on, and he got fed up with trying to act like he did.

"What I'm saying is maybe if we can somehow get control of the Kaimetsu Chojougan, the Kekkei genkai can be reversed and stored back into the two moonstones, possibly reviving the twins."

"But I can't use my Chojougan, the curse mark will kill me if I try to infuse chakra." Tsuki said.

"What if we gave her eye to someone else?" Ten-Ten suggested.

"Shin is too skilled of a Chojougan user to just put the eye Tsuki-sensei still has in somebody else..." Shikamaru replied,"What we need to take back the eye that Shin has. And I have an idea on how to do it."

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now