Flashback: Jealous Kakashi Pt. 5 (🍋)

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Kakashi and Tsuki burst through the door of her room in the palace.

Tsuki wanted him so bad, he had building her up all..fucking..day. Only to purposefully let her back down again.

She was gonna let him do whatever the fuck he wanted to her.

He pinned her against the wall of the room, the bed was just too far away at the moment. He wanted to get right down to business so he reached under her dress and grasped at the seam of her panties. He pulled on it until the fabric ripped in two. He ripped the other side as well and threw them haphazardly across the room.

Kakashi's jealousy drove his dirty talk to heights he didn't even know he could achieve, he didn't know he had it in him to be this mean to Tsuki in the bedroom. He kept replaying the scene of her running into Haru's arms for a hug earlier today and just now him touching her thigh at dinner.

The fact that he was forced to interact with a man that had been inside Tsuki before him enraged him.

"You little bitch, you let that fucker touch you? He's already gotten to use your body before me. It's my turn now." Kakashi spat at Tsuki.

Tsuki's eyes became heavy with lust as she watched him hastily undo his bowtie and throw it to the floor.

'Kashi's gonna call me a bitch? Fine I'll be a bitch.' Tsuki was excited and wanted him to degrade her more. She wanted Kakashi to manhandle her. She loved seeing him imitate a wild animal, only acting on primal instinct. He was forcefully undoing the buttons of his dress shirt.

"It's not my fault Haru got to me before you did, Kashi..." She said innocently.

Kakashi froze.

'Oh so she's gonna play this game huh?' he thought, watching her seductively slip her dress down the shoulders to flash him the sight of her perfect tits.

"Whatever game you're playing, Kuraku you better tread lightly. Because I intend to win." Kakashi teased, mesmerized by her tits as if he were caught in the trance of two crystal balls hanging off her chest.

"You've been playing games all day, Kashi, maybe I should go play with Haru instead." Tsuki retorted, a cynical smile crept up on her face as she let her dress fall to the floor, leaving nothing to imagination as she stood bare in front of Kakashi wearing nothing but her heels and the silver necklace that came with the dress.

Kakashi got fed up and ripped the buttons of his shirt apart and tossed it to the floor, his undershirt and mask with it.

He was ravenous.

"So you wanna act like a whore, huh?" He said walking up and towering over Tsuki. He grabbed her breasts and squeezed them like his life depended on it,"Well if you're gonna act like a whore then you're gonna get fucked like a whore too."

He grabbed a fistful of her hair and pulled her towards the bed before throwing her onto it.

"You're not gonna be able to walk by the time I'm done with you, Kuraku." Kakashi seethed.

He kept showering her with dirty talk, it was like music to her ears.

"I'm gonna remind that no one else can make you feel the way I can." He said huskily into her ear,"You want to cum, Kuraku?"

Tsuki nodded frantically, wrapping her arms around the back of his neck as he spoke into her ear and nipped st the sensitive skin on her neck.

"Say it."

"I want to cum Kashi, please."

"Who do you want to make you cum?!" Kakashi asked her.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now