Bad News

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Naruto had been training day and night for the past couple of days. Kakashi and Tsuki fell asleep under a tree on and off during his training, but poor Yamato had to stay wide awake as one of Naruto's shadow had successfully started forming the nine tails cloak requiring him to subdue it.

Naruto had successfully used his wind chakra to cut Yamato's waterfall in half and now he was focusing on combing his wind style chakra with his Rasengan to create a new Jutsu.

Two shinobi approached Yamato and whispered something into his ear causing Yamato's eyes to widen and for him to audibly gasp.  He left his sealing post and made his way over to Kakashi and Tsuki.

"What's with the look on your face, Yamato? Is something wrong?" Tsuki asked with a concerning tone as he approached them. Naruto had noticed and had also made his way over to the tree.

"Well I don't know really know how to say this but, Asuma Sarutobi died on his last mission with team 10. They're planning for a funeral tomorrow."

Kakashi's heart hurt, although it didn't show on his face but Tsuki gasped and put her hands to her mouth in shock.

"I gotta go find Kurenai!" She said,"I'll meet up with you later Kakashi." Tsuki quickly hurried off.  Besides Kakashi, Tsuki had become good friends with Kurenai and Anko and she wanted to go comfort her friend and see if she could be of any help to her.  Kurenai was pregnant and Tsuki knew this was going to be extremely stressful on her.

Tsuki found Kurenai and as soon as she opened the door, she collapsed into a crying mess on the floor.  Tsuki just held her friend, acting as a shoulder to cry on.

The funeral was yesterday and Kakashi had been eavesdropping on a conversation Lady Tsunade had with Shikamaru after training with Naruto that left his arm injured.  Him and the members of team 10 were going to seek out the two members of the Akatsuki to seek avenge Asuma's death.  Ironically it was the two members Hidan and Kakuzu that had killed Asuma, the same two members Kakashi and Tsuki learned about on their previous Intel mission.  Kakashi went to Lady Tsunade and offered to temporarily head up team Asuma to provide assistance to Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji.

Kakashi approached Tsuki to tell her of his new mission,"I'm going with team ten to track down Asuma's killers to eliminate them."

Tsuki's got visibly worried,"Are you sure that's a good idea?! Remember, Tsukata said they're basically impossible to kill! After what happened to Asuma, I wouldn't want anything to happen to you!" Tsuki's eyed began to well up with tears.  She had not confessed her feelings to Kakashi but she wasn't very good at hiding them either when it came to his safety.

"Well they're going to go regardless of what Lady Tsunade or anyone else tells them, so I rather I go to assist them than them going alone." Kakashi replied

"Then I'll go with you to help! I can talk to Lady Tsunade myself!" Tsuki desperately wanted to be there to make sure Kakashi was ok.

"No I think you should stay here with Yamato and continue to train Naruto.  I overheard a conversation she had with Sakura and she said that if Naruto can master this new Jutsu then she would send team seven as backup with you and Yamato taking the lead.  I would much prefer if you came then." Kakashi explained.  Tsuki knew she wasn't going to win this argument.  She figured she'd better stay and train Naruto as quickly as possible so they could leave and back up team ten.

"When are you leaving?" She asked

"I'm going to meet team ten at the gates right now." He said with a sad tone.

Tsuki reached up and wrapped her arms around Kakashi's neck and pulled him into a tight hug, causing Kakashi's breathing to hitch at the sudden close contact.  He returned the gesture and wrapped his arms tightly around her waist and pulled her closer as he felt butterflies form in his stomach. Unbeknownst to him, Tsuki was feeling the same way, as silent tears began to fall from her face. 

That was it. 

He had officially fallen in love with Tsuki Kuraku and there was no going back.  He never thought he would let someone in enough to fall in love with them, but it had happened. He never wanted this hug to end, but he was still too fearful of losing her to actually admit that to her.  He breathed in her intoxicating scent as he held her close to him feeling her heartbeat against his as his mind raced with mixed emotions.

He felt at home, feeling her hands rest around his neck, her fingers slightly running through the hair at the back of his head. It sent a series of chills down his body as the close contact made him suddenly so blissfully comfortable while an almost irresistible yearning to kiss her forehead overcame him. But still, he resisted as her head tucked perfectly under his chin like they were two puzzle pieces that finally came together like they were supposed to. Like she was made for him and him for her.

Tsuki, due to her height, struggled to reached around Kakashi's neck but she held on as tight as she could, afraid to let him leave for this mission. Fuck, she had fallen in love hard with this man. And she became terrified at the idea of him possibly being killed on this mission. She basked in the warmth of his touch as he lifted her slightly onto her tiptoes to pull her in closer..... tighter. She could stay like this forever.

Literally, forever.

His warmth and loving touch was a feeling she had never experienced before as his large hands rested on her lower back in a way that almost felt possessive. Her heart was absolutely racing, threatening to beat out of her chest as his hands left what she was sure would be a heated imprint on her skin.

Neither of them had felt the intense feeling of love this deeply. It was almost anxiety inducing.

Kakashi's heart sank as he slowly released the hug, knowing that it could be the last time he sees her if he were to die on this mission.  They came face to face and he noticed that she was crying, making his heart sink even further.

"Don't you dare die, Kashi! Don't even think about it!" She said with a shaky voice.

He reached up to brush away her tears with his thumb and gave her a closed eye smile and said,"Wouldn't dream of it."

With those parting words, he broke off the hug and turned to run towards the gate to meet up with team ten.

Tsuki took a moment to compose herself and ran back to the training field and informed Yamato of the situation and began training Naruto as fast as she could.

After training Naruto some more with Yamato's assistance, he had gotten the Jutsu down.  Well he did at least 50% of the time , which was good enough for Tsuki.  She informed Lady Tsunade that they were ready to back up team Asuma.  They gathered up Sakura and Sai and took off after team ten.

Tsuki knew she probably cut the training a little too short, but she was desperate to go see Kakashi to make sure he was okay. 

And after traveling for some time, they stumbled upon an intense battle and they discussed their plan of attack.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now