Finally Home (you guessed it, fluff)

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"Ready, love?" Kakashi asked his wife who was finally being discharged from the hospital, three days after giving birth.

Tsuki finished strapping Kai into the tandem stroller right next to Kanari. They both reached out and put their hands on each other's face.  As twins, they seemed inseparable.

"Ready!" Tsuki said with a smile,"Let's get the fuck home, I'm sick of being in the hospital."

Kakashi insisted on pushing the stroller so he could look at his kids through the little window at the top, so he pushed them outside and onto the streets of Konoha.  Tsuki held onto his arm while they walked back home.

They got a lot of stares on the way home.  Something Tsuki still wasn't used to since Kakashi became Hokage.

Sure, she was royalty back in Godai, but that was a tiny blip on the map compared to the size of the Leaf Village and it's population.

They both heard a mixture of whispers and yelling at the two of them.

"Lord Sixth! Lady Hatake! Congratulations on the babies!" Someone yelled out

"Lord Sixth is a father now? That's so attractive.." some women whispered amongst themselves.

"I heard Lady Hatake was still going on missions while she was pregnant, I wonder if the babies turned out ok.  She was probably too hard on her body.."

"Twins are sign of good luck Lord Sixth! May they be a good omen to rebuild the world after the war!" Someone else yelled.

"What are their names?!"

"I bet they're cute." "Well, yeah they have to be if Lord Sixth is the father."

"I heard they had a boy and girl."

"They're going to grow up to be powerful Shinobi just like you and Lady Hatake, Lord Sixth!"

"We're honored to have you and Lady Hatake leading by example for our village, Lord Sixth!"

Kakashi sighed, just loud enough for Tsuki to hear but continued waving and smiling at the crowd while pushing the stroller with one hand,"I realllyyyy didn't want to be Hokage.."

Tsuki giggled as she also continued to smile and wave,"I know dear, but here you are. That's what you get for being a war hero, if only Naruto were a little bit older, he could have taken the position.."

"I know, but I wanted Naruto to enjoy his youth before he takes on this huge responsibility."

They finally reached their front door, a crowd had gathered behind them and Kakashi had to address them. Tsuki took the stroller and headed inside after s final wave to the crowd.

"I thank you all for the well wishes for my family and I. As you know, Lady Tsunade will be stepping in as interm Hokage while I'm on leave to be with my wife and children. Rest assured the village is being taken care of until I return!" Kakashi spoke to the crowd.

The crowd cheered and Kakashi ducked into the front door and closed and locked it behind him.  He rested his back up against the door and looked to the ceiling and sighed.

"Holy shit, hopefully that did the trick." Kakashi said, making Tsuki laugh. He peeked through the blinds and saw the crowd dispersing, but he swore he could see one man in the crowd lingering, his chakra had an off feel to it, but he also turned and walked away. Kakashi brushed it off for now, but planned to have ANBU follow up on him. But for now he deemed the situation safe.

He turned and looked at Tsuki as she leaned down to undo the buckles of the stroller, he could tell she was exhausted.  The bags under her eyes looked deeper and darker than ever, her movements were ever so slightly slower than normal and she looked like she needed a nap.  She loved taking naps, but since having the twins, she had quit napping cold turkey. 

She grabbed her chest and hissed,"Ahh, ow, ow..." Her milk was coming in too fast, so she reached into the diaper bag and pulled out her breast pump.

Kakashi walked over and took over the duty of unstrapping the twins from their stroller,"Why don't you go pump, Tsuki. I'll change them and put them to bed.  Go take a nap after. I'll worry about all this.."

Tsuki smiled at him, his words were music to her ears. She wasn't going to deny a chance to nap. The third night in the hospital was rough, Kakashi had jinxed it. He pulled his mask down and gave her a quick, but deep kiss on the lips, which she reciprocated, using her kiss to silently let him know how much she appreciated his help.

Tsuki retreated into their bedroom while Kakashi picked up the twins and took them to their nursery. He quickly changed their dirty diapers before they had a chance to fully wake up and changed them into matching onesies that had the Hatake crest on the back (another gift from Tsunade). He stared at their sleeping faces.

"You two and your mom are the most important things in my life.  I hope you guys know that. I promise to be the best dad I can be. But this is my first time doing this so go easy on me okay? Do we have a deal?" Kai hiccupped in response, while Kanari blew a raspberry, making Kakashi smile and chuckle. He watched them both slowly close their eyes and fall back asleep.

Kakashi leaned down and kissed both of their cheeks, before he picked up them both up and took them to the master bedroom where Tsuki and him had previously set up their cribs for them to sleep in for the first few months, until they felt comfortable leaving them in the nursery alone.

He smiled as he found Tsuki topless, passed out, not even halfway under the covers, sleeping soundly. He placed the twins in the crib and tucked Tsuki into the blankets. He grabbed her pump full of milk and went to the kitchen to start bagging it all up to put in the fridge and freezer.

Over the past nine months, Kakashi had given up reading Icha Icha and read a lot of parenting books, so on paper he knew exactly what to do, but actually executing it gave him a lot of anxiety, for fear of seeming like a bad parent.

"Whatever." He said to himself,"I won't be the first one to make a parenting mistake and I certainly won't be the last... " Before meeting Tsuki, Kakashi was his own worst critic.  His mind often immediately went to negativite thoughts whenever he experienced something less than ideal.  But he's felt so happy and fulfilled since meeting her, he noticed his normally gloomy default emotional state turned chipper, and negative thoughts didn't seem to plague his mind as much as before.  He had become so much better at just letting shit go.

After he finished, he made his way to the bedroom, changed into some lounge clothes and settled himself next to his wife on the bed with his favorite Icha Icha novel in hand.  He read of a few chapters and then wrapped his arms and legs around Tsuki before he succumbed to his exhaustion as well.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now