Flashback: Honeymoon (fluff and 🍋)

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"Oh my God Kakashi! We've been here for four days now! Are you going to have sex with me or what?!" Tsuki yelled across the room of her and Kakashi's resort suite. Tsunade gave them time off to go on their honeymoon since they weren't able to before the war. They chose a relaxing private get away to the hot springs a few villages away.

Kakashi was on the bed in his spa robe reading, you guessed it, Icha Icha Paradise.

"You know instead of reading about that stuff in the book we could actually be doing it!" Tsuki yelled again.

"I'm scared of hurting the babies!" Kakashi finally looked up from his book at a very horny, pregnant Tsuki.

"I'm only four months! My bump is barely showing. Tsunade said there's no problem just don't crush me or go too rough." She replied,"I'm pregnant, not made of glass."

"I had to turn the water temperature down to our private jacuzzi just so you could get in and soak with me! That goes to show how delicate they are." Kakashi retorted. He was being genuine, he was actually legitimately concerned he would hurt his kids.

"Well they survived me getting a laceration to my back so big that I lost half my body's blood supply and I fought in the first half of the war and landed a few kicks to the stomach then! I'm sure they'll be fine if you put your dick in me." Tsuki was getting impatient

Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose,"You're killin me, Kuraku."

"Well I'm sorry I want my husband, the guy who is always down to fuck, to fuck me!"

"Fine, fine. But let's go out to the jacuzzi for a little bit first, yeah?"

"No bathing suits allowed, Hatake."

"Okay, we have a deal"

Tsuki and Kakashi both removed their robes and headed out to their private, secluded jacuzzi that was on their hotel room balcony. Tsuki sat at the edge and dipped her toes in the water, even though Kakashi turned the temperature down she still wasn't supposed to be in the water for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Kakashi got in and sunk all the way down into the water until his chest was covered and put his arms out over the edge of the pool and leaned back.

"Get in here Kuraku, I want to hold you for a bit." Kakashi tugged at her ankle gesturing for her to join him in the water.

She crawled in and sat in between his legs in front of him, he wrapped his right arm around her shoulders while his left hand traveled down to rest on her small baby bump. He rested his chin on the crook of her neck after placing a kiss to her shoulder.

"I can't wait to meet them." Kakashi said

"Me either Kashi, what do you think we're going to have?"

"I really don't care as long as they're healthy and happy."

Right after he finished his sentence, he felt movement under his hand on her belly.

Tsuki and Kakashi both let out an excited gasp.

"Kashi did you feel that?"

"Yeah!' He said giddily,"One of them just kicked my hand!"

"Or maybe they high-fived you?" Tsuki said sarcastically

"Oh yeah now that you mention it that definitely felt like a high five."

Tsuki and Kakashi laughed, she let her hand rest over Kakashi's on her stomach.

Kakashi was starting to feel more and more relaxed at the whole thing now that he felt one their babies kick. He started placing gentle kisses on Tsuki's neck and let his hand trail down lower to caress her inner thigh.

Tsuki was all too eager and spread her legs immediately,"Oh my God please fucking touch me Kashi. I can't take it anymore.."

Kakashi chuckled,"Woowww someone's needy" he started to rub small circles around her clit and placed more kisses to her neck and shoulders.

Tsuki sighed deeply at his touch,"I've been watching you walk around naked for the past four days at these hot springs and you've refused to fuck me this whole time. You can't walk around looking like that and not expect me to be needy."

She reached a hand behind her back and grabbed ahold of his hardening length and began stroking it under the water making Kakashi sigh and tilt his head back.

They just spent the next few minutes, slowly touching each other, working each other up as they got so impossibly turned on while they let out quiet moans into the fresh air around them.

"It's been about ten minutes love, time to get out of the water." Kakashi grabbed her waist and lifted her to sit on the edge of the hot tub and pushed her shoulders for her to lay down on the deck so that her lower half faced him while he stayed in the water.

He pulled apart her legs and immediately sunk his tongue into her pussy and began eating her like a starved man.

She instantly wrapped her fingers in his hair and whimpered loudly as she was finally getting what she wanted, what she needed, really.

Kakashi was being selfish though, he planned to make her finish quickly because if he was being honest, he couldn't wait to sink his dick into her. And he knew that because they hadn't done anything remotely sexual in four days, he was going to bust fast.

Even though it was his choice to hold out for the past four days, he had to watch Tsuki walk around naked too. And it took every ounce of self control he had not to fuck her multiple times a day. His burning desire to be inside her had been building for ninety-six hours now and it was silently driving him mad. The only thing that got him through it was because he actually thought he could hurt the babies if he did.

"Oh God Kashi, fuck I'm gonna cum!" Tsuki moaned through gritted teeth. He didn't let up, he was determined to push her over the edge.

Kakashi groaned into her pussy as the taste of her sweet juices overcame the bland taste of the water they were just sitting in. Tsuki tugged on his hair so hard, it actually made him wince a little, but that didn't stop his tongue from pleasuring her.

Tsuki's moans got louder and louder as she approached her orgasm until the coil in her abdomen finally snapped and her body erupted. Kakashi still didn't let up, he furiously licked her through her climax to overstimulate her as her cum spilled into his mouth. He happily drank from her.

After she came down, Kakashi used his arms to push himself out of the water and and pulled her hips towards his before he plunged his hard cock into her perfect pussy.

Kakashi was careful not to go hard, but his thrusts were sloppy from the get go, he was already much too close to cumming to be more graceful with his movements.

Kakashi practically growled as he shamefully exploded inside her in just seven strokes.

He pulled out and plopped down next to Tsuki.

"I'm sorry I nutted so fast." He said, sightly embarrassed

"And you have the balls to call me needy?" Tsuki teased.

"Fuck you, Kuraku." He said in a joking tone while covering his face with his hands in shame.

She laughed,"Kashi, you literally made me cum right before in like one minute. Believe me I'm more than satisfied. Buuut that's what you get for holding out for four days."

"Tch.." he smirked,"Wanna go shower and get some dinner?"

"Absolutely. And can we get ice cream after?" Tsuki said rubbing her belly indicating that the twins were making her crave ice cream.

"Of course, dear."

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now