Tsunade Awakens (fluff)

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"Ok then, Kakashi Hatake, I hearby declare you as the Sixth Hokage of the Vill-"

Shizune burst through the doors,"Wait!" She yelled out of breath capturing Tsuki, Kakashi, and everyone else's attention

The feudal lord that was about to confirm Kakashi as Hokage looked annoyed,"We're kind of in the middle of something here."

"Tsunade's awake!" She yelled again. Tsuki gasped and Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief. He had gotten lucky again and would be able to avoid becoming Hokage for now.

Kakashi's inauguration was called off and the three jonin ran back to the hospital tent where she had been for the last few weeks.

Tsunade was in there, awake, and pigging out on large amounts of food.

"I need to replenish my chakra!" She yelled,"What is that?!" She pointed to Tsuki holding a bag of leftover sushi from her and Kakashi's picnic.

"Uhh, leftover sushi?" Tsuki said

"Give it here!" She demanded. Tsuki handed it over and she gulped it down in an instant.

"I'm glad you're awake Tsunade." Kakashi said,"I came dangerously close to becoming Hokage

Shizune filled her in on all that had happened while she was asleep.

"Thank you for covering for me while I was out. I have a lot of catching up to do. But you two can have the rest of the night off and we'll pick this back up tomorrow."

Tsuki and Kakashi headed home. It was pretty late, Tsuki held onto Kakashi and leaned her head on his arm as they walked in the moonlight, perfectly content, savoring the days before war broke out.

"Hey what is today?" Kakashi asked as they walked.

"January 20th?" Tsuki said, her eyes widened when she realized what day it was.

"Happy 6 month anniversary!" Kakashi said.

"Oh no! I totally forgot!" Tsuki said "I didn't get you anything!"

"It's ok, you being with me is a gift in and of itself."

Tsuki blushed but couldn't help but be sarcastic,"Ok now that was pretty cliche, Hatake."

He laughed,"I'm serious! We've been really busy on missions lately so I don't blame you."

"I don't blame you either." She chuckled

"Oh no don't worry I got you something." Kakashi said smugly.

"What?! When?!"

"When I was messing around with Guy I grabbed some stuff and put it back at the house before I came to meet you at the restaurant." He replied

"Awww now I feel bad." She replied. Kakashi was always so thoughtful and she was a tad bit aloof when it came to this stuff.

"It's nothing crazy don't worry." Kakashi reassured her. Kakashi had no idea what to get her. She wasn't a jewelry person, flowers would die, she wasn't a girly girl. He managed to think of a special present, befitting of a strong Kunoichi like her, that would also hopefully show how dedicated he was to her, he prayed she would like it.

Kakashi motioned for Tsuki to jump on his back, which she did and he carried her home, as per usual.

He reached for the keys in his pocket and unlocked the door.

"Ok, close your eyes." He said before opening the door, Tsuki complied.

Kakashi walked in and set her on her feet and led her to the kitchen table where he had set everything up. She sat down. He kneeled next to her and took a hold of one of her hands while the other rested on her shoulder so he could see her reaction. His heart was pounding, hoping that she would like his little surprise he threw together last minute.

"Ok Kuraku, open them!" He said.

Tsuki opened them and her sight adjusted to the dimly lit room to look at the table. There was a small cake, cookies, dango, and a bottle of sake and wine sitting on the table. And right in front of her was a skinny, box with wrapping paper and a bow.

"Kakashi!" She said smiling and giddy,"You did all this?!" She wanted to eat all the sweets.

"Yeah I figured I'd get you all the sweets you like and then we could just get drunk and have a fun night and forget about all the shit that's going on for a little bit. Although, I'm feeling much better knowing that I'm not going to be Hokage anymore." Kakashi replied with his own smile, happy that she was happy.

"What's this?" She said picking up the box and giving it a shake.

"Well open it dummy." He teased

She unwrapped the gift and gasped at it's contents. It was a custom made forehead protector for her ninja headband. It had the typical leaf village symbol in the middle but in the in the bottom left corner the Hatake clan symbol was engraved and on the bottom right, was the Kuraku clan symbol,"Kakashi, I...."

She stared at the small boxes of the Hatake clan symbol and ran her finger over the circle containing five dots for the Kuraku clan. Tears started to well up in her eyes as she remembered her clan, her family, her old village, and how far her and Kakashi had come since all that.

A tear drop fell and Kakashi got worried she didn't like it,"Whoa Tsuki are you ok? There's no need to cry.. you don't have to wear it if you don't want to..." he wiped the tear away with his thumb.

She clutched the headband to her chest,"No I'm crying cause I'm happy. And because I feel bad that you got me something as great and thoughtful as this and I didn't get you anything!"

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief,"Phew, I thought you didn't like it for a sec there."

"How could I not like it?! It's-it's amazing!" She was at a loss for words, leaned in to rest her head in the crook of Kakashi's neck as a few more silent tears fell from her face.

Kakashi held her for a moment before get up and getting two shot glasses and two wine glasses from the cupboard,"Ok, ok no more crying Kuraku, put your drinking face on."

Tsuki wiped her face and giggled, still clutching the headband to her chest,"Thank you Kakashi." They locked eyes and smiled at each other. The love they had for each other was unconditional and that feeling filled the air between them. Kakashi couldn't help but stare at her breathtaking beauty, realizing she was the most precious thing in the world to him.

Tsuki reached out and grabbed a cookie and began to eat it. Kakashi set down a full wine glass in front of her and a shot glass of sake and scooted his chair closer to her.

He held up his shot glass,"To us?"

Tsuki clinked hers against his,"To us."

They both threw back their sake and slammed the empty shot glasses on the table before chasing it with the wine.

The night had only just begun.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now