Retrieving the Moonstone (a lil fluff)

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"Everyone here?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes, sir." Shikamaru replied.

Kakashi was holding Kai on his shoulders while Tsuki did the same with Kanari. The whole team they had planned for was there.

Team seven, team ten, Temari, Kankuro, Rock Lee, Ten-Ten, Kakashi, Tsuki, as well as the twins stood at the gates of the village ready to head out and retrieve the second moonstone.

Shikamaru was unable to find a sensory ninja available, so they decided to improvise and Naruto agreed to stay in Sage mode for as long as he could to sense foreign chakra, then Ino would take over and they'd switch back and forth for the rest of the journey.

"Okay then, let's head out." Kakashi said.

They began walking the same direction Kanari had the other day. Shikamaru had the moonstone hidden in his pocket while he walked a at least 6 or 7 feet back behind Kakashi, he didn't want to get too close to Kai with it, he stayed back and talked to Temari.

After reaching the same spot they found Kanari in about twenty minutes outside of the village, they stopped.

"Okay where to next baby girl?" Kakashi said looking up at his daughter on his wife's shoulders.

Kanari pointed down a small path in the trees,"That way!!!"

The troupe follow her direction.

"Who knew Kai and Kanari would be so special, eh Lord Sixth?" Ten-Ten chuckled.

"What do you mean?!" Lee said fervently defending Kakashi,"Of course the children of our Lord Hokage are special! He is a hero of the Leaf and knows a thousand jutsu! It is in their genes to be special!"

"I didn't mean it like that, idiot!" Ten-ten lightly punched his arm

"Alright, alright calm down you two." Kakashi said,"To be honest, I wished they weren't special. I kind of wish they just normal"

"Yeah." Tsuki said,"This all kind of a headache, I thought they would grow up to be normal kids. They're only one and are walking and talking and controlling their kekkei genkai. They're still supposed to be babies!"

Tsuki loved her children, but she was sad that they grew out of their baby stage so quickly. She wanted them to be little for longer. Kakashi felt the same way. His heart would melt when he got to hold his little babies, they were growing up too fast.

"I wonder how far were going to have to travel." Sakura said.

"Hopefully not too far, the further away from the village we get, the more nervous I get that the Ozawa clan is going to make an appearance." Tsuki said holding onto Kanari's legs on her shoulders.

"That way mommy!" Kanari pointed them to turn right, they obliged.

"Well I don't sense anything right now, Tsuki-sensei." Naruto said.

The group traveled for several more hours and the sun started setting.  They found a nearby village and all got rooms at an inn.

"Okay guys bath time!" Tsuki clapped her hands together.

"NOOOO! Can't we skip bath time today?!" Kai protested.

"Ew Kai don't be gross, we need to take a bath everyday." Kanari swatted her brothers arm before standing up and walking to the bathroom.

Kakashi was already in the bathroom running the water and adding soapy bubbles and a few floating toys. Kanari walked in a held her hands high up into air. Kakashi lifted her shirt up off her head and helped her strip the rest of her clothes before helping her climb into the bath. Soon after, Kai followed and repeated the same process.

"Close your eyes, Kana." Kakashi said as he scooped up some water in a plastic cup and dumped it over her head. Tsuki did the same to Kai.

He scrubbed shampoo into his daughter's hair. Then Kai decided it was a good idea to splash Kanari in the face with water.

"Hey!" Kanari yelled as her eyes turned black. She splashed him back using her Chojougan. Kai laughed, he was only playing.

A battle ensued as Kai and Kanari splashed each other back and forth, Tsuki and Kakashi laughed as they got caught in the crossfire.

"Okay! Okay! Guys, we gotta finish getting you clean. We have to travel again the morning." Tsuki used her Chojougan to freeze the movement of the water splashing around, ending the fight.

"Awww. How come you're so mean, mommy!!" Kai whined

"Yeah!" Kanari added

"Yeah, mommy, how come you're so mean??" Kakashi teased, copying their tone.

"Oh shut up! All of you!" Tsuki teased back. Everyone laughed.

Kakashi was so happy. He lived for little moments like these, doing mundane things with his soulmate and his children. His family. If he thought about the fact that he had a whole ass family for too long, he swore he could cry out of joy.

Tsuki unplugged the drain and let the water start to go down in the tub, Kanari stood up shivering , Kakashi wrapped her in a towel as quickly as possible and patted her skin dry.

Tsuki used her eyes to pull the water out of their hair and off their body.

Kakashi got the twins dressed in their matching black Hatake clan onesies. He sat on the floor and began brushing through Kanari's hair while Tsuki cleaned up the toys and all the water that had spilled out of the tub during their water fight.

"Just leave my hair down, daddy!" Kanari said walking out from under his hands toward the bed. He laughed as he watched her silver locks flow back and forth just between her shoulder blades as she ran away. Kai took her spot in front of Kakashi and he started brushing through his spikey brown hair.

As he brushed his hair, he took note of the highlights that ran through it, it really did match Tsuki's to a tee and holy shit did it warm his heart.

Tsuki and Kakashi alternated watching over the twins while the other took their nightly shower.

They all laid in bed together with the twins between them snuggled up with their stuffed animals.

"Goodnight mommy and daddy. I love you." Kanari said in her high-pitched voice.

"I love you too!" Kai added on

"Goodnight, I love you guys too." Kakashi said with a yawn.

"Well I love all three of you." Tsuki chimed in.

Tsuki faced Kakashi and slung her arms over the twins. Kakashi did the same and grabbed onto Tsuki's forearm to pull everyone closer together. He left his hand there.

He could only see the left half of Tsuki's face, as the rest of it was covered up by the twins heads in between them but he saw her one green eye squint into a smile.

Tsuki felt so content. She never knew life would lead her here.  She wouldn't trade it for anything. She was convinced there wasn't anything better than watching Kakashi be an amazing father and receiving the love of her their children.

Soon enough, the family of four drifted off to sleep together.

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