Flashback: Tsuki's Birthday

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*Flashback to August 5th, Tsuki's Birthday, before her and Kakashi started dating*
Tsuki, Kakashi, Sakura and Naruto were walking back from a mission together in the Land of Waves. They were casually strolling back to the village, ready for a few days off of work.

Sakura and Naruto were walking in front of the two jonins, whispering to themselves.

"No you idiot! Tsuki sensei looks young! There no way she's in her late 30s!"

"I know she looks young but she acts older!" Naruto said,"Just like Kakashi-sensei! Wait, how old is Kakashi-sensei?"

Sakura looked puzzled, she actually didn't know her own sensei's age,"I don't know. You really can't tell with the mask on his face how young or old he might look underneath."

"I mean his hair is grey!"

"That doesn't necessarily mean he's old! He moves too fast to be an old guy!"

"You're riiiight." Naruto scratched his chin

"What on Earth could they be discussing." Tsuki asked Kakashi who was buried nose-deep in Make-Out Paradise.

Kakashi didn't take his eyes off the page,"Who knows, probably just bickering like they always do." He said with half-lidded eyes. Tsuki smiled and continuing walking, when Sakura suddenly turned around.

"Hey Tsuki-sensei! How old are you?" She asked bluntly.

"Me? Oh I'm 28." She said. Then she remembered the date,"Actually, no I'm 29 today."

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!" The blonde and pinkette yelled

"Happy Birthday, Tsuki." Kakashi said

"Thank you guys.  What about you Kakashi? How old are you?" She looked over and smiled at the masked man.

"28." He said cooly, still not taking his eyes off the book.

"YOU'RE ONLY 28 KAKASHI-SENSEI?!" Naruto yelled,"That means you were only 25 when you became our sensei?! Aren't genin senseis usually older than that?!"

"Are you surprised, Naruto?" Kakashi teased

Tsuki chuckled, she didn't expect any less from the son of the White Fang.

"When did you make chunin and jonin, Kakashi-sensei?!" Sakura asked

"Let's see.." Kakashi looked into the sky to think,"I became a genin at 6, chunin at 7, and then jonin at 13."

"YOU MADE CHUNIN AT 7?!?!" Naruto didn't know how to not yell when he talked,"I'm fifteen and I'm still a genin!"

"Weren't you in the ANBU Black Ops too, Kakashi?" Tsuki mentioned.

"KAKASHI-SENSEI WAS IN ANBU!!?!?" Sakura and Naruto yelled simultaneously.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" He asked

Tsuki blushed a little,"Oh I-uh, when we were in the hospital after retrieving the Kazekage I saw you in your sleeveless shirt and I saw the tattoo on your arm."

Kakashi blushed slightly under his mask,"Oh uh yeah. I was in ANBU for ten years."

"Ten years?!" Now Tsuki was impressed,"You seem like you've experienced a million different lives, Hatake."

"What about you Tsuki-sensei?!" Naruto said.

"Well, the village I come from didn't have the rankings of genin, chunin, or jonin. We just learned combat and developed our kekkei genkai for safety reasons but we were a pacifistic clan. I was approached by Lady Tsunade a little over three years ago to join ANBU, but I said no.  Then my village got attacked, and... Well you know...... But now I'm here as a jonin! So I guess I became a jonin at 28!"

"Anyways!" Sakura changed the subject,"Tsuki-sensei it's your birthday! Are you gonna do anything to celebrate?"

Tsuki chuckled,"Probably not, probably just gonna be me, myself, I and maybe some ice cream at my apartment." She rubbed the back of her neck.

"Kakashi-sensei. We should do something for Tsuki-sensei's birthday!" Sakura suggested

"Huh?" Kakashi said looking up from his book.

"Yeah we could go get some ramen and then ice cream! I bet old man Teuchi would give you some free ramen for your birthday!" Naruto piped up.

"What do you think, Kakashi-sensei?!" Sakura looked at him with begging eyes.

"Guys, don't worry about it. I'm used to not celebrating my birthday." Tsuki interrupted. Kakashi heard the slightest somber tone in her voice when she said that.

'She'd probably used to not celebrating her birthday because she was in Orochimaru's captivity for the last three. That's terrible. At the same time I had just become the sensei of my three favorite students, her life had fallen apart." Kakashi thought to himself, his heart ached a little bit for her.

"I think that's a great idea, kids." Kakashi gave one of his famous closed-eye smiles."Tsuki, let the three of us take you out to dinner."

Tsuki blushed again,"O-okay if you say so, Kakashi."

Kakashi smiled at her again and watched her face out of the corner of his eye as they finished walking home. He couldn't stop thoughts of her from popping into his head.

'Damn, she really is beautiful.... Am I falling for her?'

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