Flashback: Visiting Grandpa (fluff)

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Flashback to the day before the twins first birthday.

Kakashi was sitting on the couch reading Make-Out Tactics with Tsuki's head in his lap as she took a nap.  Kai and Kanari were on the floor playing with their toys in the living room and occasionally running around the house to entertain themselves.

Kai hopped up onto the couch and landed hard onto Tsuki's stomach, making her grunt and wake up.

"Kai!" Kakashi scolded,"Don't do that, that's not nice. Mom's trying to get a little rest!"

Kai pouted,"I'm sorry daddy."

"I'm not the one you owe an apology to Kai." He said gently.

"I'm sorry, mommy." He said hugging onto the arm that was resting on her stomach.

Tsuki kept her eyes shut but said in a sleepy voice,"It's ok, baby."

Kanari crawled up Kakashi's chest,"Hey daddy, what are you reading?!!?" She stood on his stomach and put the back of her head in front of his face to look at the pages.

Kakashi snapped the book shut,"N-nothing, Kanari..." He knew his kids couldn't read anything other than their name, but he wasn't about to let them look at the pages of Jiraiya's *ahem* adult novels. Tsuki chuckled.

"Can you read it as a bedtime story tonight?!" She asked again turning to face her dad and grabbing onto both of his cheeks with her little hands. Tsuki's chuckle turned into a laugh.

Kakashi started sweating,"N-no peanut, this book is only for daddy to read, okay?"

She pouted but she pulled his mask down and placed a kiss on his nose,"Ok daddy.."

"Hey mommy!" Kai spoke up,"What's a grandpa?"

Kakashi and Tsuki's bodies tensed up, that question came way out of left field.

Tsuki decided to answer honestly,"Well, a grandpa is a member of your family. It's either your mom's father or your dad's father."

"What makes you ask that, Kai?" Kakashi looked over at his son.

"When we went over to play with Mirai, she said her mom always talk about her dad and grandpa but I didn't know what she was talking about." He replied scratching his head.

"Do we have a grandpa?" Kanari asked. Kakashi tensed up again and then relaxed.

"Yes you do.." Kakashi replied with a smile on his face.

"Can we meet him?!?!" The twins yelled in unison.

Kakashi looked down at Tsuki, unsure of how to tell them that they did have a grandfather, but that he was dead. Tsuki half frowned, no one ever taught them how to explain the concept of death to nearly one year olds. It's not like Tsuki or Kakashi had their parents to give them parenting advice.

"Why don't we go on a picnic you guys?" Kakashi said with a smile.

"Yeah!!!!" The twins yelled back in response.

"Ok, go pick out some outside clothes, mommy will go help you get dressed!" He said kissing his daughter's forehead and setting her on the ground.

Kai and Kanari ran to their bedroom where the Onaji duo could here them shuffling through drawers.

"You want to take them to the cemetery?" Tsuki said looking up at him from his lap. He placed his hand on her head and combed his fingers through her hair.

"Yeah, why not?" Kakashi said,"I spend a lot of time there anyway. I think it would be nice to show them something so important to me. I'll pack some snacks ok?" Kakashi leaned down and gave her a kiss on her soft pink lips. She smiled and nodded.

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