Flashback: Jealous Kakashi Pt. 2

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Tsuki shuddered. She could feel the stillness in the air after Kakashi finished speaking. He lingered for a moment, his stare burning into her, making her feel almost terrified for how he was going to punish her in the bedroom later on.

But she got snapped out of her trance when Haru called for her again.

"Moonshine! Come on! I'll give you a tour!" Haru said motioning his arm for her to join him.

Kakashi was still angry and he had a scary mocking tone in his voice,"Yeah, Moonshine. Go with Haru. He needs you right now."

Tsuki was frozen, did she obey Kakashi's challenge and piss him off even more? Or deny Haru and fuck up this deal with the Grass Village?

"Fuck!" Tsuki cursed under her breath and sped walked towards Haru.

Kakashi eye'd her perfect ass as she walked away, picturing how he was going to leave it black and blue later on. He internally chuckled watching her struggle to make decisions right now. He's so glad he didn't make her cum earlier, he was going to fucking torture her.

"You too Kakashi!" Haru called out to him.

Kakashi caught up with the two former lovers and began walking through the large halls of the palace.

"Down this hall of the guards quarters. If you turn right, there's the kitchen and dining hall, over there are the quarters for the workers that take care of the place. And down here is where you two are staying!" Haru lazily explained the layout of the palace as they walked. He was mainly watching Tsuki. Watching her as she walked and talked. He was intoxicated by her smile and he couldn't stop looking at her curves. She wasn't the young girl he was best friends with as a kid, or even the young adult he had many sexual encounters with in their teenage years, she was a woman. And a beautiful woman at that. He wanted to see how her body had changed over the years, how her personality developed, what she had learned in life over the past twelve years of not seeing her. Seeing her again reminded him of how much he missed her when he left Godai, it had ignited a feeling in him that he hadn't experienced in a while... infatuation.

Of course Kakashi caught sight of every glance he stole, checking out his girlfriend.

He led them down another corridor and stopped at a hall that had several doors.

"Whenever we have guests they stay in these rooms. I had two prepared for you." Haru led them to the first room and opened the door, Tsuki saw a mannequin in the corner of her eye that housed a beautiful garnet colored formal dress. It's hem fell to the floor and pooled into an elegant ripple with a slit that led all the way up one leg. It hung off the shoulders of the mannequin and had a dainty silver necklace laid across the top to go with the dress. A pair of tan heels sat on the floor next to it to complete the look.

"Oh wow, that's a beautiful dress!" Tsuki said looking at it. Kakashi pictured Tsuki in that dress and how stunning she would look.

"It's for you!" Haru said,"Well not specifically for you, but I was told there was a man and a woman coming from the Leaf and we're having a dinner for several diplomats and feudal lord that are in the Grass Village, so I had some formal clothing made. Hopefully it fits! There's a suit in your room Kakashi!"

"Oh actuall-" Tsuki started to speak, wanting to explain that her and Kakashi were a couple and that they would only need one room to share together but she was quickly cut off by Haru.

"I'll let you relax, before the dinner. Come find me! We can catch up.... Talk about old times." Haru said ruffling her hair again.

'Fuck stop Haru!" Tsuki screamed in her head. He was digging her into a deeper hole with Kakashi every time he spoke. And she was gonna be the one to pay for it.

"Let me show you your room, Kakashi.' Haru led him next door,"Oh and the rooms are kind of built like hotel rooms. So this has a shared door in between them so.you can open and close them if you need to for whatever reason."

Kakashi thanked him and closed the door behind him. He rubbed his temples. His head hurt from watching Haru eye Tsuki up and down as they walked in the halls and make little snide, cryptic comments about whatever the pair had experienced together when they were young.

It was in the past, Kakashi knew that. But he couldn't help but feel jealous meeting a man Tsuki had sex with, God knows how many times. He was determined to find out, for his own peace of mind exactly what happened between the two, and he was determined to remind Tsuki the she was his.

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