Tsuki's Infinite Tsukuyomi Pt. 2 (🍋)

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*Tsuki's POV*
Kakashi sighed loudly.

"What?" I asked, why did he sound like I'd asked that before.

He stood up and walked over to me locking the door behind me,"Alright Kuraku, get on the desk, let's do this." He grabbed my wrist and pulled me toward the desk. I pulled my wrist back, now I was even more confused.

"What are you talking about, Kakashi?" I asked him.

"Come on, Tsuki, don't act like we don't do this every other week. You come to pick up the kids, you tell me that Genma isn't fulfilling you sexually, we fuck, and then you take the kids and things go back to normal." Kakashi explained to me.

Am I dreaming?

I sure am a scumbag for continuing to sleep with Kakashi while dating Genma.

But it's Kakashi. How could I not sleep with him. He's the best lover I've ever had.

"Oh, that's right." I said, my body moved on its own accord and approached Kakashi. I pulled his mask down and wrapped my arms around his neck as his familiar touch grabbed my waist.

Our lips collided.

Yeah. This feel right. Not that kiss with Genma.

Kakashi lifted me up and I jumped with him as he took me to the Hokage's desk and set me down on top of it. His mouth attacked my neck sending tingles down my whole body and straight to my core, which began to grow wet.

He pulled down my pants to my ankles and off one leg and started making his way down my body, biting at my nipples through the fabric of my shirt until he settled his face between my legs.

"Wait, Kakashi you don't have to." I said grabbing his hair, why would I expect the guy I divorced to eat me out?

He shooed my hand away,"Stop, just let me make you feel good. It's the least I could do for you for being such a fantastic mother to our children."

He licked me with the flat of his tongue, making me gasp loudly.

"Shh we're in my office, remember?" Kakashi reminded me. I nodded and he continued.

Fuck, it felt good. No one besides Kakashi could make me feel like this. Not Genma, Not even myself to be quite frank.

A part of me missed this, even though I had just woken up in this world.

So, in this world. Kakashi is my ex and we're just fuck buddies who co-parent our son and daughter?

What the fuck?

"Oh fuck, oh yeah Kakashi....don't stop..." I could help but call out his name. It was the only name I wanted to say during an activity like this.

He plunged two fingers into me and rubbed my clit with his thumb while he stood towering over me while he unlatched his belt with his free hand

Fuck he's still so hot.

And I'm still in love with him.

How could I ever divorce him?

My heart started to hurt at the idea that Kakashi and I had really gotten to that point.

But it quickly got distracted by the magic he was working with his fingers. The coil in my stomach was getting tighter and tighter with his ministrations. He leaned up to kiss my lips, which I happily reciprocated before he buried his face into my neck while his fingers buried deeply inside of me.

"I'm so close Kakashi..." I quietly panted.

"I know, I know..." He said breathily. Oh my god I never got tired of hearing his low raspy lustful voice whisper in my ear like that.

I threw my hands over my mouth as I came onto his hand with stifled moan.

"There it is..." Kakashi said with a smirk.

Kakashi stood over me once again and pulled my hips to the edge of the desk. I watched him quickly undo his zipper and pull down his boxers to see his hard cock spring free from it's constraints before he sheathed it completely inside me.

I yelped and quickly covered my mouth, as he started to roll his hips back and forth into me with an unmistakable look of pleasure written all over his face.

I still have never gotten used to this. He still gives me butterflies.

Why am I with Genma?

Why didn't I work it out with Kakashi?

I don't like this world.

I want to be married to Kakashi and have our children at home with us. Not split between the two of us.

I don't know if I just got lost in the moment or if my emotions became too much for me but I decided to say something stupid.

"I love you, Kakashi...." I let the words that used to come so naturally to me fall off my tongue.

Kakashi stopped and looked at me, a mixture of sadness and pleasure filled his eyes. His face looked so shocked. Like he hadn't heard those words from me in a long time.

He didn't respond and just started to thrust into me again. I couldn't tell if he was actually enjoying himself or if he was just trying to get it over with.

Fuck. I fucked it up.

Kakashi leaned on top of me and continued to roll his hips into mine. I started placing kisses on his jawline and neck and eventually reconnected my mouth with his.

That seemed to turn him back on, he moaned against my ear and made chills run down my entire body. I ran my hands along his strong back and dug my nails into his soft skin. He felt the same as he always did and I could feel another orgasm rising within me.

He leaned back up and grabbed behind my knees and pinned my legs to my stomach so he could fuck deeper into me, which my body appreciated as my legs shook with another orgasm that hit my like a ton of bricks.

Shortly after Kakashi pulled out and groaned as he pumped his cock and came onto my stomach.

He grabbed some tissues off of his desk and wiped me off as best as he could before we both stood up and redressed ourselves.

The air was awkward. I'd never felt this around Kakashi before.

He cleared his throat,"Like I said, the kids are down in the daycare with Shizune. They've been asking for you all day so they'll be excited to see you."

"Right.... Um...." I didn't know how to bring up the fact that I said I love you. Should I talk to him about it? Or pretend like I never said it?

"I'll see you later, Tsuki.." Kakashi added on, clearing cueing for me to leave his office.

I don't know why, but tears started to well up in my eyes and I blinked them back down, but I think Kakashi caught a glimpse of them before I could stifle them,"I'll see you later, Kakashi.. "

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now