Co-Op Mission Pt. 2

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"Can we stop here for tonight?" Tsuki implored Kakashi using her cutest begging eyes. She was still absolutely exhausted from her last mission. She barely slept before starting this one and they had already been traveling for a good seven hours now.

"Sure, if we stop and rest tonight then we should make it to our destination by tomorrow afternoon." Kakashi replied setting his bag down and pulling out his sleeping bag.

There wasn't an inn or any form of civilization in sight, so they were going to have to rough it by camping out in the open air of the forest for the night.

That was until a rain drop made it's way down from the sky and hit Tsuki's cheek. Followed by more rain drops. And then more. Until soon enough there was an absolute downpour that started to soak Kakashi and Tsuki to the bone along with all of their belongings.

"Well isn't this just great." Kakashi said sarcastically. He had camped out in worse conditions back in his ANBU days, but sleeping in the rain wasn't exactly preferable.

Tsuki quickly activated her Chojougan eyes and intertwined her chakra with the falling raindrops to form a dome over the two of them so that they wouldn't get wet. With her other hand she pulled up on the earth's chakra and created a small hut for shelter. It wasn't much but at least it had a makeshift fireplace and they would be able to sleep without getting wet.

"Those eyes of yours sure do come in handy don't they?" Kakashi said playfully.

"I like the versatility of them." Tsuki smiled and shrugged as he grabbed their travel packs and took them into our shelter for the night. As soon as he was inside, Tsuki released the water dome from above and ran into the forest to get some firewood before everything got too wet.

When she entered the hut, she saw Kakashi has set up her sleeping bag and had a meal set at the head of it, the sight of which caused her stomach to rumble loudly. She was so tired she forgot to eat and hadn't done so since before her last mission.

"I brought you some rice balls, I figured you didn't pack any food since you just came back from a mission and we had to leave right away." Kakashi said with a closed eye smile.

"Thank you!" Tsuki said with her own excited smile,"I just realized seeing that food that I'm fucking starving." Kakashi really was a good friend. She had gone on a handful of missions with Team Kakashi before and she was always thankful he was there to look out for the team. Despite his laid-back nature, she could tell that he really cared about his comrades.

She knelt down by the fireplace, placing the wood she had collected into it before lighting it with fire that streamed from her fingertips.

"Oh my God that feels so much better." She said basking in the warmth. She turned to sit on her sleeping bag and began to devour the rice balls Kakashi had so graciously set out. They were delicious.

"Did you make these?" She asked him with a mouth full of food,"If so you're a pretty good cook."

"Uh, yeah I kind of like to cook." He said rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. She looked and saw he wasn't eating his own food set in front of him causing her to raise and eyebrow.

'The mask!' Tsuki thought 'He probably doesn't want me seeing him without the mask!'

As curious as she was to see what his real face looked like, she didn't want to push him or make him uncomfortable.  Instead, Tsuki just spun around to face the wall away from him.

"Ok you can eat now you weirdo." She said jokingly

"Oh uh, thank you." Kakashi replied, shocked by her gesture. He half thought he would have to wait until she fell asleep to eat.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now