We're Not Done Yet (🍋)

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Kakashi finished putting Kai back to bed and met Tsuki in the hallway as she was headed to their bedroom.

"Thank you for grabbing Kai, babe." She said to him,"I'm beat, I'm going to bed, try not to stay up too late, will ya?" She turned to go to the bedroom.

Kakashi grabbed her by the waist and pressed his front against her ass and started walking with her, pushing her feet with his to walk to the bed. He pulled her hair the side and started placing love bites over the sealed curse mark on the crook of her neck. Tsuki gasped as her body started tingling with new goosebumps.

"No, no, no.." he smirked,"You're not going to sleep. We're not done yet."

Tsuki giggled as he hoisted her up to his shoulder and speed walked to the bedroom.

In no time, he had Tsuki's clothes ripped off and on the floor alongside his own and had her back to the bed.

"You're so beautiful.." he whispered as he got on top of her and pried her legs open with his knee. He slowly slipped his hungry cock inside her and started moving his hips back and forth.

Tsuki never got tired of seeing Kakashi hovering over her in missionary position. The way his silver hair fell forward and tickled her face, seeing his strong, muscular arms and shoulders surround her head on either sides, feeling the mattress sink down around her as he used his hands and forearms to hold himself up.

She loved be able to reach down and grab his hips and ass to feel his movements as he fucked into her, loved being able to eagerly wrap her legs around his waist and pull him in closer.

Kakashi loved being in such an intimate position with Tsuki, he loved watching her perfect, and now much bigger breasts bounce up and down as he thrusted into her, loved having her face closer to his so he could feel her breath against his skin as she was panting, he loved being able to see the blush that painted her cheeks while she closed her eyes and enjoyed the blissful pleasure, he loved seeing the dip in her collarbones as she reached around to grab his hips, he loved pressing his body against hers so that every exposed piece of skin on either of them was making contact.

The heat between both of their legs started to grow more and more as Kakashi tried his best to bruise her g-spot with each thrust. Which he was successful at as he felt her cunt tightening around his cock.

They both threw caution to the wind as moans and each other's names fell off both of their tongues as their passionate love-making neared it's end.

"God Kashi, you're so good at this." Tsuki said between breaths,"I only ever want you. You know that? Only you. No one else. Ever.."

Kakashi looked into her eyes while continuing his deep thrusts into her, he was so in love with her,"Same goes for me Tsuki. How could I ever want anyone else? You're perfect for me."

He buried his face into her neck and became intoxicated by her scent as his thrusts started to get slower and sloppy.

Tsuki trembled underneath him as her orgasm took over and shook her whole body while her walls clamped down around Kakashi's large, thick cock that was buried deep inside her. Her body took over as she hugged his shoulders and pulled him closer with her legs. Only small squeaks of sound came out of her, it was mostly ragged breathing while her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her mouth hung wide open.

Kakashi forced himself through the tightness of her orgasm as the sight of his wife experiencing so much ecstacy sent him over the edge. He painted her insides with his seed as her cunt milked him for everything he had. He groaned into her ear through clenched teeth as his hand balled up the sheets on either side of her face.

He kept fucking through his orgasm, selfishly trying to use her body to make his release last as long as humanly possible, until he couldn't take it anymore and forced himself to pull out and collapse on the bed next to her.

He looked over and could still see her body shaking with pleasure so he rolled towards her and plunged two fingers into her to rub in her g-spot once again. When she had prolonged orgasms like this, he always wanted to see how long he could make them last.

His mouth hung open with second-hand pleasure as he felt her walls constantly contracting around his fingers while both his and her cum spilled out of her and all over his hand.

Tsuki had tears in her eyes and she literally couldn't breathe and could feel her face go numb as she felt like she was gonna pass out.

Finally it started dying down and she gasped for air as her body stopped shaking and settled back into the bed.

Kakashi could tell she had reached her limit and pulled his fingers out. His and her cum started dripping down his arm and he quickly sat up to grab a shirt off the floor and wiped it off. Tsuki grabbed the shirt form him and wiped herself off.

"Goddamn, I should've timed that one Kuraku. That's was least a minute and twenty seconds! I think it's a new record"

No response.

He looked over and heard Tsuki slightly snoring. She had immediately fallen sleep and was now dead to the world.

He chuckled and placed a kiss on her cheek as he tucked her into the covers. He got up to take a quick shower. Once he finished he got dressed into some joggers and stared at his bedroom door trying to decide whether or not to go back to his office to work some more or to go to sleep with Tsuki.

He kept roughly towel drying his hair in the doorway,"Ahh fuck it, work will be there in the morning."

He threw his towel in the hamper and crawled into bed with Tsuki.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now