Lord Sixth (🍋)

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Pakkun reached Kakashi and delivered the message from Tsuki.

"What?!" Sakura yelled in surprise,"Kakashi-sensei you're going to be Hokage?!"

"It seems that I am." Kakashi replied with a sigh. He really just wanted to go home and see Tsuki and not deal with all this political bullshit.

They continued on their way home to Konaha.

Tsuki waited eagerly by the village gate for Kakashi to come home from his mission. They should be home any minute now.

Tsuki felt his chakra approaching and watched as she saw Naruto, Sakura, and Sai emerge from the trees, followed by Kiba, Lee, and finally Kakashi carrying some red headed woman on his back.

Tsuki's body filled up with a jealous rage. Why was he carrying her on his back like that? Who was this chick? Did he know her? That was until she squinted her eyes and saw that the woman was a really a girl, a child probably around Naruto's age and she looked like she was recovering from an injury. Tsuki breathed a sigh of relief. She thought she was gonna have to throw hands, both at Kakashi as well as the girl.

Then she laughed at herself, she knew Kakashi would never cheat on her. She didn't even know why that thought crossed her mind.

Kakashi handed over the red head to the guards at the gate and ordered them to take her to Intel and to notify the council.

Tsuki couldn't take it anymore she charged Kakashi, jumped up and tackled him into a hug. He returned the gesture as he grabbed onto her waist and spun her around before setting her back down on the ground with their foreheads pressed together.

"Hey." They said at the same time,"I missed you." Their voices stopped and they started laughing at how perfectly in sync their sentences were

"Blehhhhhh" Naruto stuck his tongue out at the two,"Get a room you two!"

Tsuki laughed at Naruto's comment,"That's rich coming from someone who's only kissed Sasuke!"

Sakura began to laugh while Naruto *anime* cried and walked away in shame. Sakura following him while continuing to laugh.

"Let's go on a date? To celebrate you becoming Hokage?" Tsuki suggested

"We don't have to celebrate but I do still want to go on a date with you." Kakashi said while leaning closer to her ear and whispered,"And afterwards I need to get you in bed." He squeezed her waist a little tighter.

Tsuki felt a chill run down her spine at his words and her core instantly began to ache. She squeezed her thighs together looking for some sort of relief but the feeling was too much. She was throbbing.

"But first I need to go discuss everything with the council. Then I should be free the rest of the day", he kissed her temple and they began walking towards the Hokage tower, fingers interlocked.

Once they reached the building they let their hands go, just to appear professional. Kakashi held open the door for Tsuki, both out of chivalry and because he wanted to take a peek at her perfect round ass as she walked in. But Tsuki hesitated.

"Something the matter, love?" Kakashi asked her.

"No, not necessarily. This just all seems like official Hokage business, should I even go with you?" Tsuki asked. She didn't know her role in all this confusion.

"Well, you are dating me so you're gonna be in on a lot of 'official Hokage business' in general. That and I plan on making you and Guy my advisors. Maybe Shikamaru too." Kakashi replied with a smile.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now