Flashback - Fight (🍋)

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Flashback #3

*August 2nd*

The past few weeks had been extremely stressful for both Tsuki and Kakashi. They were both constantly going on missions back to back, some together but mostly separate as the availability of Shinobi ran thin.

Tsuki had just returned from a two week mission with team 10. She trudged through the front door, tired as hell, on edge, just wanting to relax with Kakashi. They finally had a mutual day off together. They rarely saw each other. She started to feel like his roommate. As soon as she got home, he'd leave and as soon as he came back, she left for another mission.

She was so attention and touch starved, she wanted nothing more than to spend time with him and today was finally the day.

But to her dismay, as soon as she opened the door she saw Kakashi slipping on his jonin vest looking like he was ready to head out for a mission.

"You going somewhere?" Tsuki asked him.

"Yeah." He responded with little to no emotion. He was tired too, he had been working himself to the bone just like Tsuki. He sat on the couch and started slipping on his ninja sandals.

She waited for him to elaborate but he didn't,"Uhhhh, care to tell me where?"

"Another mission. What do you think?" Tsuki was taken aback by how cold he sounded. His tone pissed her off a bit.

"Really?" She responded just as coldly,"You're gonna go on a mission on basically our only day off together for the next month?" The fact that they were getting a day off together was the only thing she had been looking forward to during the past three weeks of non stop missions.

"Well what do you want me to do Tsuki? Tsunade summoned me. It's my job." The tone of his voice got a little more snarky.

In response Tsuki subconsciously raised her voice,"It's my job too. You already do so much for the village, you couldn't ask Tsunade to ask someone else to go?"

"Look, I don't have time to argue about this...." Kakashi said with a sigh of annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Tsuki was mad now,"Well excuse me for wanting to spend time with you!" The volume of her voice started climbing and she approached Kakashi who was still sitting on the couch.

Kakashi was getting pissed as well,"You think I don't want to spend time with you?! You think I like going to work everyday like this?!" He stood up and turned to get in her face,"That's all I've been wanting to do is spend fucking time with you!"

"Well apparently you don't care that fucking much if you can't say no to one mission!" She yelled back into his face. They were just in a shouting match at this point.

Kakashi threw one of his arms into the air out of frustration,"You've got to be fucking kidding me, Tsuki!" Tsuki flinched at his sudden movement, which took him aback.

'Did she think I was going to hit her?' Kakashi thought

"Whatever Kakashi, go on your mission. See if I give a fuck. I'll just be here by myself as usual...." She said calmly, but still clearly very upset. She dropped her pack and started stomping her way into the bedroom.

Kakashi grabbed her wrist,"Wait, Tsuki...."

She roughly pulled her hand away,"Just fucking go...I don't want to see you right now..." And retreated to their shared bedroom and slammed the door behind her

Her words hurt him. He got a sinking feeling in his chest as he debated whether or not to follow after her. His judgement was clouded by his frustration though and he went the opposite way and slammed the front door behind him and he left for his mission.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now