Pent Up (🍋)

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Tsuki finished putting the kids to bed in their nursery and went to her and Kakashi's bedroom to take a shower.

Once she got out, she went to her dresser and pulled out the skimpiest lingerie she owned and put it on to go meet Kakashi in his office.

Since they had become parents, Tsuki and Kakashi rarely had time for sex. Even less time now that Kakashi was back to being Hokage. But as the twins kept growing they now started sleeping through the whole night, giving Tsuki and Kakashi more and more time together.

Tsuki quietly tiptoed over to the home office and gently pushed open the door so she wouldn't make a peep. Kakashi was sitting in his chair at his desk, shuffling through papers related to the ongoing investigation into the Kuraku clan history when Tsuki came up behind him suddenly and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and ran her hands down his chest.

"Good evening, Lord Sixth. Need some company while you work late?" She whispered seductively into his ear. She stood up and started massaging his shoulders and neck making Kakashi sigh and relax at her touch.

"Absolutely, Lady Hatake..." He replied with a sigh as his eyes shut, letting Tsuki do whatever she wanted to him.

She pulled his mask down and started placing gentle kisses along his neck and jawline before she tilted his head back to connect her mouth with his while her hand traveled down to his pants where she slipped it inside his boxers and started stroking his hardening cock.

Kakashi had to break away from the kiss to let out a moan he couldn't hold back as his eyebrows furrowed at the pleasurable feeling she was giving him. He quickly undid his button and zipper and pulled his pants and boxers down to his mid thighs to give her more room to work with.

"Wow, Lord Sixth, eager are we? You seem so stressed, so pent up." Tsuki teased, she removed her hand to spit it on it before returning to jerk him off faster as she leaned forward to continue kissing and licking his neck.

Kakashi let out a breathy moan as his head titled back in the chair, he definitely wasn't going to deny getting an amazing handjob from his wife.

Tsuki continued to attack his neck, watching as his sharp jawline moved up and down as he opened and closed his mouth with hisses and quiet moans, while Kakashi reached his arm up so that he could wrap around the back of her neck so he could feel her hair and skin brush against his. The other hand gripped onto the arm of the chair for dear life.

He was stressed. He was pent up. And although he wasn't fond of not having as much sex with Tsuki like before the war, he loved that whenever they did have a chance to fuck, it felt like they were raging hormonal adolescents exploring each other's bodies for the first time.

Tsuki continued to pump his cock with just the right amount of grip and squeeze that she knew Kakashi liked when she noticed his thigh muscles start to tremble oh so slightly and his fingers began to erratically move through her hair and on the arm of the chair.

He was going to cum. And she knew it. And her body got hot at the sight of it

She nibbled on his earlobe,"Fuck baby, you look so hot like this. Cum for me, please cum for me.." she sighed breathily into his ear.

"Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh god.." Kakashi couldn't hold back after Tsuki said that to him. His jaw tightened trying to suppress any noise from escaping his mouth but he couldn't help it. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned loudly against Tsuki's smiling mouth as he covered his stomach in his seed.

Tsuki gradually slowed down her movements to let him ride out his high for as long as possible, but at a certain point he was too sensitive and had to push her hand off so he could breathe.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now