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"Do you have your kunai?" Kakashi asked Tsuki.


"Food pills?"







"Yes Kakashi I have everything I need! Stop worrying!" Tsuki chuckled. Kakashi was being especially overbearing this morning as Tsuki planned to head out for her first mission in almost a year. She stopped going on missions when she was about five months pregnant, Kakashi became Hokage when she was about seven months, and the world was rebuilding after the war. There wasn't as many missions to go on now as the world slowly became a more peaceful place.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry I'm just worried about you and I hate that I can't go with you on this mission.." Kakashi said pulling her into a hug.

"You're the Hokage, you don't go on missions, you tell other people to go on missions." Tsuki joked and hugged him back,"But I'd imagine this won't take long, we're just heading to Godai and coming back."

"Mama!!!!! Mama!!!!" Kanari and Kai yelled from their high chairs.

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay with the kids by yourself?" Tsuki asked as she walked over and kissed both of their foreheads and tickled there cheeks.

"Yeah I think we'll be just fine. Plus, Shizune said she would help me while you're gone." Kakashi replied

"Good I'm glad you'll have some help, they can be a handful sometimes."

Kakashi walked up behind her and pulled down his mask to give her a kiss on the lips.

Their kisses still felt electric and it was hard not to linger as they were connected at the mouth, they both couldn't get enough of that feeling. But Tsuki pulled away so she could head out and go do her job.

"Kai you be a good boy and Kana you be a good girl for daddy, okay? Don't give him or Auntie Shizune too much trouble. Mommy's got to go to work for a few days, but I'll be back, my loves!" She leaned and kissed their heads again. She bent down and grabbed her satchel and travel pack and headed towards the door. Kakashi walked to see her out and stole another kiss before she left to find team seven so they could behind he journey.

"I love you, Tsuki, please be careful, and do not hesitate to abandon the mission if something goes awry. But I hope you're able to find something helpful."

"I love you too, Kashi. Take care of my babies okay?" She smiled and turned to leave

He cleared his throat,"Our babies!" He said as he waved her goodbye.

Tsuki met up with Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura at the gate.

"You're late Tsuki-sensei!" Naruto yelled.

"Sorry guys!" She yelled back

"No you're not." He said with an annoyed tone.

"We'll follow you to Godai." Sasuke said in his normal serious tone.

The four of them began hopping through the trees.

"How are my little brother and sister?!" Naruto asked,"I just got back from a long mission I haven't seen them in a while!"

"They're doing great. Actually better than great they're only seven months and I think they're about to take their first steps soon. You guys should come over for dinner soon!"

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now