Saying Goodbye

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The Onaji duo charged on Tsusuri and Misaki and switched paths at the last minute to attack.

Tsuki jumped and whipped a line of fire to come crashing down over her father head but he merely thwarted it with his own chakra.

She came face to face with him with anger in her eyes, but not anger directed at her father, anger directed at the castor of this jutsu this was sick and cruel beyond her imagination, but unfortunately she just had to deal with it.

Their wrists hit together and the started getting into a taijutsu battle with streams of fire shooting out every other hit in every direction.

"Tsuki, you've gotten so strong sinced the last time we sparred.." Tsusuri said.

"That's what training for a war will do to you.." she responded flatly as she stomped her foot on the ground to shoot out a pillar of earth from underneath his father's feet.  She hoped he would stumble but he simply regained his footing and did a backflip, landing gracefully on the ground and shot a powerful gust of air towards Tsuki.

Tsuki made some hand signs in preparation to block the air from hitting Kakashi and the rest of the Division,"Earth Style: Mud Wall!" Her palms pressed into the ground and a wide wall of earth came shooting up and blocked the current of air her dad had fired.

Once the air current dissipated he jumped and used his feet to crush the mud wall Tsuki had made and began on the offensive again.

"Tsuki, you know I would never do anything to hurt you. I'm not in control of my body right now. You need to kill me quickly!" He said to his daughter.

Tsuki gritted her teeth,"I know dad." This was the worst feeling she had ever experienced and the fact that she was forced to fight through made it even more terrible.

Kakashi advanced on Misaki with the Executioner's Blade in hand.  He wanted to pay attention to Tsuki's fight and keep an eye on her, but with the expected caliber of these enemies he had no choice but to solely focus on his own fight.

Misaki created a hard ice sword out of the water that flowed around her body and it clung into the Executioner's Blade as Kakashi attempted to land his first hit.

"I remember Sakumo telling me he had a son, but I had no idea you were the same age as Tsuki..." She said as her and Kakashi's eyes met

"Funny how things work out sometimes.." he replied pulling his sword back and jumping into the air to avoid the water that swept around his feet, trying to trip him. He noticed her fighting style was similar to Tsuki's, which gave him a slight advantage because he had sparred with Tsuki many times while training for this war.

"So tell me, Kakashi, how is my little moonstone doing? Is she just as smart as she was when she was little? Is she happy in life?" Misaki asked Kakashi, having missed out on the passed four and a half years, she wondered where the path of life had taken her.

"Tsuki is extremely smart and beautiful and kind and perfect in every way.  She's someone people in the village look up to and I don't deserve her but I do my very best to make her happy and she tells me it's working so far..." Kakashi replied while the Executioner's Blade got knocked out of his hand.  Misaki sent powerful stream of water towards him that would surely shred his skin so Kakashi reacted quickly.

"Water Style: Water Wall!" Kakashi yelled as he absorbed the blow with a block.

Misaki smiled a warm smile,"That was a very good answer to my question, son.  You passed my test. Welcome to the family."

Kakashi smiled back,"Thank you m'Lady. I wish it didn't have to be like this.."

"Please Kakashi, I'm your mother-in-law, you can call me Misaki! Tell me, do you have any children?"

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