Cooking Lessons (🍋)

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On their way back, they were stopped by Lady Katsuyuu, Tsunade's summoning animal and were told that there was a mission to be fulfilled. Kakashi ended up sending team seven with Yamato, while the rest of them returned to the village

Tsuki and Kakashi arrived back in the village together, hungry, tired and in need of a shower.

Tsuki pulled out a couple of food pills from her pouch and was about to pop them in her mouth when Kakashi swiped them from her hand.

"Hey! What gives!" Tsuki whined

"No you're eating real food! These are for missions!" Kakashi scolded her,"Come on you can shower at my house, I'll teach you to cook something. That was a part of our deal right?"

Tsuki grunted,"Ugh fine" Kakashi handed her food pills back and she put then in her pouch.

Once they reached his house they set their shoes and gear down by the front door. Tsuki went to the bedroom and ruffled through the bag of clothes he had brought from her house earlier.

Kakashi opened and empty drawer in his dresser,"Here you can just leave some of your stuff here permanently."

"You sure you're gonna want me around that long, Hatake?" Tsuki teased.

Kakashi removed his mask and Tsuki's stomach started to form butterflies at the sight of his beautiful face. He walked up to her really slowly and inched his face closer to hers teasing his lips a top of hers. Tsuki's heart was racing.

"Yes Ms. Kuraku I'm around for the long haul." He said in a low gravelly whisper before pecking Tsuki on the lips and walking into the bathroom to shower.

Tsuki felt chills run down her spine and an ache between her legs began to grow. I mean she was in love with the guy but how did he have such a strong effect on her like that? Tsuki shook away the feeling and kept unpacking her clothes and folding them neatly into the drawer while putting others on hangers.

Tsuki grabbed a pair of her lounge clothes she headed into the bathroom to find Kakashi rinsing shampoo out of his hair. She could help but eye him up and down hungrily. He looked so fucking good, every muscle rippling on his body but not too much, his thighs, his ass, his messy wet silver hair that turned a bit dark with the water. Everything about him looked to yummy to her.

Tsuki moved forward tying her hair into a ponytail with the spare rubber band she carried in her pocket as she made her way towards Kakashi with a dirty idea.

Her mouth watered and she got on her knees in front of the shower entrance with her hand clasped together in a begging motion. Kakashi finished rinsing out the shampoo in his hair and finally looked down to see Tsuki on her knees in front of him. Her eyes level with his cock, which was now starting to get hard at the sight of her begging stance.

"Uh, what're you doing Tsuki?" Kakashi chuckled awkwardly.

"I think I did very good in training earlier today Kakashi-sensei and I think I deserve to taste you as a reward. May I suck your cock please?" Tsuki said, pouting her lip.

His whole body began to heat up at hearing her call him sensei again. Especially in this context.

"Um, yes you may.." he said moving the shower head so it wouldn't splash in her face.

Tsuki grabbed a hold of his strong thigh in one hand and lightly touched the side of his hard member with her fingers as she licked him base to tip swirling her tongue around the tip maintaining eye contact the whole time. Kakashi let out a sigh at the contact of her mouth wrapping around his tip as he moved his hand to rest on her jawline.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now