Preparations Pt. 2

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Tsuki laid in bed patiently waiting for the pain meds to kick while her hands glowed green over her hips to try and heal the bruises that were making her so sore.

Eventually they started to fade and didn't cause her so much pain when she moved. She sat up and stretched everything out and felt much better and could move around with almost no pain.

"Should I sit here and wait for Kashi?" She asked herself,"Who knows how long he'll be." Tsuki stood and went to the kitchen to make herself breakfast but upon opening the fridge, she saw that Kakashi already left her a plate of food and a note.


I double checked and we didn't have any ingredients for recipes you know how to make so I just whipped something up for you to warm up really quick so you don't resort to eating food pills on this special day...

Love you, see you in a bit


Tsuki smiled at his note as the butterflies in her stomach awoke,"Why do you have to be so goddamn perfect, Kakashi?"

Kakashi was so good to her and she didn't know what she did right in life to deserve someone like him.

She warmed up the food and ate before going to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth. She got dressed in her typical ninja outfit that included her black high waisted shorts, olive green three quarter sleeve shirt and of course knee high sandals.

She looked the mirror, brushed out her hair and tied the custom ninja headband Kakashi had bought her that contained the symbol of the Hatake and Kuraku clans engraved and decided to head out and talk to Kurenai about her plans to marry Kakashi and then find him afterwards.

Tsuki headed out the front door and started walking down the streets of Konoha like it were any other day.

She saw Guy approaching her with a big smile on his face, which was kind of typical for him.

"Hey Guy!" Tsuki called out with a wave.

Before he responded he scooped her up and squeezed her into a tight hug

"Okay.... Guy...... You can.... Let me down." Tsuki said with a strained voice, barely able to breathe.

Guy let her back down to the ground,"How is my eternal rival's youthful bride to be on this fine morning!??!?"

Tsuki smiled,"So Kakashi already told you, eh?"

"Of course he did! I'm so happy for you guys. You two are brimming with youth and love!" He responded just as loudly,"Kakashi said he wants me to be there so I will! I'll let you prepare for the day but if you find out when and where! Come get me!"

"Of course Guy, I'll see you later!" Tsuki waved and continued down the street

"Tsuki-sensei!" She heard to voices call out to her, turning around she saw that it was Ino and Sakura running towards her and pulled her into a hug as well.

Tsuki placed her hands on their shoulders while they both wrapped their arms around her waist,"Uh, hey guys what are you up to?"

By this time Kurenai approached after hearing the two girls yell her name.

"We heard you're getting married to Kakashi-sensei!!!" Sakura yelled.

Tsuki blushed,"Oh yeah.. who told you?"

Kurenai chimed in,"As soon as Kakashi told Guy, Guy went around blurting it out to practically the whole village."

Tsuki laughed,"Yeah that does sound like Guy..."

"Don't worry Tsuki-sensei, we know it's going to be a small ceremony." Ino said,"But what dress see you going to wear?! How are you going to do your hair?! What about your makeup?!"

"Uhh, I figured I would just wear this?" Tsuki hadn't even thought about getting a dress or anything like that.

"To your wedding?" Sakura asked

"No, no, no, Tsuki sensei we're taking you shopping right now..."

"Well I was supposed to go meet up with Kakashi.." Tsuki said

"NO!" They screamed at her

"You're not supposed to see the groom before the wedding!" Sakura said

"But I don't even know where or when we're having the ceremony.

"Don't worry, Tsuki, I'll find out from Kakashi what time and where and I'll come find you. You deserve to look gorgeous on your wedding day so let these girls take you shopping... But I agree, you shouldn't see Kakashi before the wedding. At least that's what I would have wanted to do if I had the chance to marry Asuma.." Kurenai said putting a hand on her shoulder. Tsuki reached out to hug her.

"Ok Kurenai, thank you!" Tsuki said as the the blonde and pinkette grabbed both of her hands and started dragging her towards the shops.

They made her try on countless dresses and wedding kimonos, but eventually they landed on a simple off-white kimono with a black band that fit her perfectly.

"That's the one Tsuki-sensei!!" Sakura practically screamed.

"You think so?" Tsuki asked. She looked in the mirror and liked what she saw. Even though this wedding was last minute and it was only going to be in the presence of a few people, she wanted to to look pretty for Kakashi. She figured it wouldn't hurt to feel beautiful on the day she was going to legally bind herself to the man she planned on being with forever.

"Definitely!" Ino said,"Now we have to do your hair and makeup!"

As soon as Guy caught wind that Tsuki was going to wear a kimono to the wedding, he forced Kakashi to buy one as well.

Kurenai passed by as Kakashi and Guy walked out of the shop.

"Hey Kakashi! Guy!" Kurenai called out,"Congrats on finally deciding to tie the knot with Tsuki."

"Hey Kurenai. And thank you, I'm excited" Kakashi greeted her,"Have you seen her? I need to tell her that were going to meet Lady Tsunade in the cherry blossom field at 6:00."

"I'll tell her, Sakura and Ino are refusing to let her see you before the wedding, purely out of tradition.." Kurenai responded.

Kakashi sighed,"You guys are turning our very non-traditional, last minute elopement into a traditional wedding." He peered down at the bag that contained his kimono and silver wedding band that Guy forced him to buy.

Kurenai laughed,"Well we'll see you at six then!" She walked off.

Tsuki looked in Sakura's mirror to see what Sakura and Ino did to her face and hair. They pulled her hair back into a braided bun and let her bangs frame her face that now had makeup that perfectly accentuated her facial features.

"Wow you girls actually did a good job.." Tsuki smiled

"You look so pretty Tsuki-sensei." Ino said

"Kakashi-sensei is going to faint when he sees you!" Sakura added.

Tsuki blushed.

Kurenai put her arm on Tsuki's shoulder,"Tsuki, we should get going it's almost six..."

"You know Kakashi isn't going to be on time Kurenai.." Tsuki responded with a chuckle.

"I know but that doesn't mean you should be late!" She scolded her and pushed her out the door while she held up her kimono so it wouldn't drag on the floor.

"Thanks girls!" Tsuki quickly waved at Sakura and Ino as she was pushed out the door.
Boring chapter soweeeee! 😭

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