Kakashi's Morning with the Twins (fluff)

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*Kakashi's POV*

"Our kids!" I yelled as I watched Tsuki dart away to go on her mission. Fuck, I miss her already.

I turned back towards Kai and Kana,"Alright guys, mommy had to work outside of the village today so you're spending the day with daddy at the office!"

"Ahhhhh!" They yelled back excitedly in response.

My kids are so goddamn cute, I can't get over it. I picked them up one at a time and strapped them into the stroller before heading off to the work.

Thank God Tsuki helped me get them dressed and ready before she left. I can't believe she usually does this by herself.

As soon as I got to work I had to change their diapers....again and then I set them up in their play pen in front of my desk so I could watch them while I worked.

That lasted for about twenty seconds.

"No Kana don't eat that!" I watched her try to stuff one of her toys in her mouth and immediately jumped up to grab it from her.

When I got to her I noticed something was off,"Wait, Kana....where the hell is your brother?"

She giggled at me in with a mischievous tone.

Then I heard something coming from my desk. I looked over and saw my cup of piping hot tea being pulled towards the edge.

I jumped and grabbed my tea before it fell,"Kai, stop! What are you doing?!"

He started crying hysterically and I went to pick him up,"Really Kai, you're crying cause I wouldn't let you drop boiling tea onto yourself?"

Kai shook his head and then buried it into my shirt.

It melts my heart whenever does that, how could I ever stay mad at him?

Kai's hysterical sobs must have triggered Kanari because she started crying loudly as well.

"Great, not you too Kana!" She tried to shove her toy in her mouth again and I had to stop her.

How the hell does Tsuki do this at home by herself?

I ran through the list in my head of what could be wrong.

Food. Water. Diapers. Sleep. Pain.

Which one is it?

Why are they crying so loudly?!

*Knock* *knock* *knock*

"Come in!" I said

"Lord Sixth, what's all the commotion in here?" Shizune said as she poked her head in.

"Oh thank God it's you Shizune, I think the twins need a nap. I'm drowning over here." I came to that conclusion after realizing all the needs were definitely taken care of.

Shizune chuckled,"Did Lady Hatake pack their sleeping mats?"

"Knowing her, she probably did."

Shizune took the liberty of ruffling through the stroller and found their sleeping mats and rolled them out onto the floor in their play pin.

Shizune took Kanari from my arms and laid her on her mat snd stroked her shimmering silver hair.

I did the same for Kai.

Within minutes, they both stopped crying and fell asleep.

"Phew, you're a life saver Shizune. Thank you."

"You're welcome Lord Sixth. Gives you a new perspective on Lady Hatake's role at home, huh?"

"Absolutely. I thought my job was stressful. After I returned to work I didn't realize how much of a handful they've grown to be for one person to deal with."

"Just wait until they can walk..."

I sighed and looked at the ceiling,"Ugh don't remind me!"

Shizune stood to go to my desk and pick up some paperwork I had signed the day prior, while I decided to stay and stroked my son's hair as he slept. Finally I stood to go to my desk but as soon as he did the twins started crying again.

"Oh no, what is it this time?" I felt utterly defeated

"Why don't you nap with them Lord Sixth?"

"Shizune, will you drop the Lord part?"


I rolled my eyes,"What do you mean nap with them? There's so much work to be done!"

"They started crying as soon as you walked away. Maybe your chakra presence comforts them. Just lay with them for a bit. Shikamaru and I can handle your morning affairs."

I scratched my chin, contemplating whether or not I should abandon my work for the morning and take a nap.

"A nap does sound appealing......"

"I'll clear your schedule, Lord Sixth." Shizune smiled and left the room.

I grabbed an accent pillow from one of the chairs in the office and laid in between my two children. Almost immediately they crawled their way to snuggle up next to my chest on either side and fell back asleep. Their little fingers held onto my shirt and they gently laid their heads into the crook of my arm.

I swear my heart exploded. Is this how my dad felt when he took care of me as a child? I thought my capacity to love peaked when I met and fell in love with Tsuki, but the love I have for Kai and Kana tops even that. There was no better feeling than to have my son and daughter snuggle up next to me. I instinctively wrapped my arms around them. I wanted to protect them like this forever. They drive me to be a better Hokage, I want to do my part to make this world as peaceful as possible for them to grow up in, so they don't have to experience all the bullshit and hardships I had to growing up. I felt like helping create Kai and Kana redeemed me from all the mistakes I've made in life.

The void in my heart that was left by everyone I had ever lost was completely filled by my children. And I'm so grateful to Tsuki for bringing them into this world and for being such an amazing mother.

"I hope you're seeing this, dad...... Wherever you are.." with the warmth of my children next to me, I quickly fell asleep.

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