Training the Twins (fluff)

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Tsuki and Kakashi had taken the twins to the training ground to start teaching them about chakra control.

Kakashi and Tsuki sat criss cross on the grass and Kai and Kanari ran into their arms.

Kanari grabbed onto Kakashi's headband and pulled it down over his eyes and laughed,"Daddy I just wuv you so much! You're so funny!"

Kakashi chuckled as he lifted his headband back up. Tsuki's heart felt warm hearing Kanari talk to her father like that, Kakashi had previously told her how happy it made him to hear his children say that to him. He felt like it gave him purpose in life.

"I love you too baby girl, you and Kai are the most important people in my life." Kakashi said looking into his daughter's sparkling blue eyes while he stroked her silvery hair.

"Hey! What about mommy!" Kai yelled from Tsuki's arms.

"Of course I love your mother too." Kakashi replied,"That's a given." He gave Tsuki a close eye smile making her blush as she smiled back.

"Daddy, what are we doing here?" Kanari asked looking around the training fields.

"Well, Kana, you know how mommy and I are Shinobi?" Kakashi started to explain.

"I thought you were a Hokage, not a Shinobi." She replied

"You're absolutely right. I am Hokage. But before I was Hokage, your mom and I were ninja for the Leaf Village."

Tsuki placed a kiss on top of Kai's head and pushed him to his feet,"Go listen to your father's story, Kai."

Kai went and sat into Kakashi's lap with Kanari.

"I'm a Shinobi, because I'm a boy. And your mom is a Kunoichi because she's a girl." He kept explaining.

"A kun-o-chee?" Kanari had trouble pronouncing the word.

"Does that mean I'm a Shinobi, daddy?!" Kai said.

"Not yet you aren't. But one day you will be, and one day you'll be a Kunoichi, Kana. That's why we're here. This is the training ground where all the ninja in the Leaf Village come to practice their skills. Mommy and I are going to teach you how to become ninja, does that sound good to you guys?"

"Yeah!!!" They replied simultaneously.

"You want to tell them about the Kuraku clan?" Kakashi looked over at Tsuki.

"Sure..." She replied and took a deep breath,"Kai, Kana, before I married your father, my name was Tsuki Kuraku. I came from a different clan outside of the Leaf Village..."

Tsuki began explaining some of the details of their Kuraku clan heritage, leaving out some of the more gruesome details for until they were older. She also briefly explained the concept of chakra, chakra networks, and Jutsu.

"You know that scary man that almost took you guys away from the village?" Tsuki asked them. They clutched onto Kakashi's shirt and nodded,"He's after this big power you have inside of you, and we can't ever let him get it okay? So we're going to teach you how to control your chakra"

"Okay!" The twins said with determination. Tsuki let out a deep breath, the twins were smart and were taking the news with much more grace than she could have ever hoped for.

"Okay you guys, do you remember those couple of times you guys fought over toys and you really mad at each other and a blue energy started coming out of your body?" Kakashi asked them.

"Yes I remember daddy! Stupid Kai stole my coloring books!" Kanari said

"No! You stole my action figure first Kana!" Kai said

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