The First Attempt

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"No, no, no, Kai. Not outside of the house remember?" Kakashi stopped his son's hand from pulling his mask down off his face.

Kai pouted and crossed his arms,"Mean!" Then he screamed and ran off up a grassy hill in the park, still within the sight of his parents.

Kanari chased after Kai and ran up the hill as well. Kakashi and Tsuki laughed as they watched them roll down the hill and run back up it several times.

However, Tsuki and Kakashi felt a shift and the presence of a familiar ominous chakra filled the air. They sat up straight and glanced at each other.

"Kashi, get the kids." Tsuki said as she looked and saw them at the top of the hill. Kakashi immediately got up and ran for Kai and Kanari.

The twins smiled as they saw their dad running towards them Just as he made it halfway up the hill, Shin Ozawa appeared behind them and grabbed the two children and started running off.

Tsuki, who was already running to catch up with Kakashi was mortified and she felt like she got kicked in the chest,"No" was all she managed to say, she was terrified Shin would disappear like the first time they chased after him.

Kakashi just continued after Shin to rescue his children. He summoned his ninja hounds and they all began chasing them. He had tunnel vision as he ran, no one else existed in this moment besides him, Shin, Kai and Kanari.

Tsuki summoned Pakkun,"Pakkun go alert Shizune to get a team to come after Kakashi and I. Shin took the kids!"

Pakkun looked worried and nodded before darting off. Tsuki went running after Kakashi. The Chojougan immediately activated in her right eye as she tried to make up the distance between her and them.

Kakashi could see Kai and Kanari crying in Shin's arms and it pissed him off to no end. He'd run for as long as he needed to in order to get them back and out of harm's way.

Eventually Tsuki caught up to him. She was panicking inside but she's knew she needed to maintain her composure to retrieve her children.

"Got any ideas as to how we can stop Shin without hurting the kids?" Tsuki asked Kakashi.

"We can't attack him while he's holding Kana and Kai. We need to separate them." Kakashi responded,"I'm a shadow clone, my real self is under the ground trying to catch up with them and get in front."

"Got it..."

"When I catch up I'll grab the twins and you can attack Shin from behind."

Tsuki nodded and continued running with Kakashi's shadow clone.

"I'm in front of him, ready?" Kakashi's clone said after a few minutes of non stop sprinting.

"Whenever you are." Tsuki replied, completely focused on Shin.

The real Kakashi popped out of the ground and successfully grabbed Kai and Kanari from his grasp and took off running back to the village, leaving his wife to take care of Shin, knowing back up should be coming soon.

Tsuki made some hand signs,"Lightning Blade!" She yelled as her hand lit up with a ball of lightning aiming directly for Shin's heart.

Shin quickly turned around and used the power of Tsuki's eye that he had implanted in his own eye socket to grabbed ahold of her hand and disperse the lightning using his own chakra.

Tsuki threw a kick to his head, but he blocked it and she was forced to jump back. She hollowed out the earth underneath his feet to try and trap him, but he merely pushed himself back up out of it with the Chojougan.

"So I see you trained with my eye these past three months, Shin." Tsuki spat,"Sorry, but it's time to give it back."

Shin had no words, he just gritted his teeth with a low growl at Tsuki. He was angry his first attempt to kidnap the twins was thwarted by the Onaji Duo.

She jumped threw out a side swipe kick and sent a sharp blade of air flying in his direction, it cut down trees as it quickly made it's way to him but Shin jumped and manifested a rope of fire to try and slam it down onto to Tsuki's head.

She countered pulling water from nearby puddles to use as a shield that turned the fire into steam.

They got into a Taijutsu battle, and the five different nature type elements were flying out with every punch and kick.

Tsuki landed many hits, forcing Shin to stumble a few times. But at the same time she was also taking a lot of hits.

Shin landed one and kicked her hard sending her flying before her back hit the tree and knocked her out cold.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now