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Tsuki woke up ready to start her day. She ate some fruit and oatmeal, brushed her teeth, got dressed, grabbed her ninja tools and headed out the door to look for Kakashi at the training grounds. Even if he wasn't there she figured she could doing some training by herself.

To her surprise, Kakashi was standing at the training grounds with a boy with yellow spiky hair and blue eyes and a pink haired girl with green eyes who wore her headband the same way as she did.

"Good morning Tsuki." Kakashi said with a closed eye smile. "I brought my students along so you can meet them and they can watch us train. I figured it might be educational."

"Nice to meet you two! Why don't you tell me a bit about yourselves since I might be working with you at some point?" Tsuki suggested

"My name's Sakura Haruno. I've been training under lady Tsunade and have almost mastered medical ninjutsu. I've been a student of Kakashi sensei ever since I graduated from the academy."

"And I'M Naruto Uzumaki! I'm gonna be the Hokage one day and I like ramen. A LOT. Right now my mission in life is to bring my friend Sasuke back to the Village!" Naruto had so much energy behind his words

"Sasuke Uchiha?" Tsuki raised an eyebrow,"I owe that kid my life." She said as she thought as to how she never would have escaped if it weren't for his help

"What? You know Sasuke?" His toned instantly turned somber.

"She was captured by Orochimaru a few years ago after he killed her entire clan and it seems that Sasuke set her free." Kakashi place a hand on Tsuki's shoulder, the look in his eye signaling her to shut up about the situation,"Don't worry Naruto, Lady Tsunade is already looking into the matter."

Naruto nodded but she could tell he was not fully satisfied with that answer.

"Shall we get started Tsuki?" Kakashi asked,"What do you think guys should I do the bell test?"

"Yeah!" Naruto and Sakura yelled in unison

The bell test? Tsuki thought

Kakashi led her to the middle of the training field,"Normally I use the bells to test the teamwork of my genin students, but since it's just you and me it'll be more like a sparring match. Your goal is to take this bell from me. If you're able to get it by noon, I buy everyone lunch" he said holding up a tiny bell then securing it to his waistband

"Seems easy enough." Tsuki replied, shrugging her shoulders

She heard Naruto and Sakura chuckle at the sidelines.

'Is this this going to be a difficult task? Was Kakashi really that strong?' she wondered

Kakashi lifted up his headband to reveal a piercing red Sharingan eye. In preparation she placed her index and middle finger next to her mouth, ready to activate her eyes

"Chojougan!" Her normally light blue eyes turned pitch black with he Dojutsu. Immediately she saw colors of chakra swirling in the nature and elements around her. Looking at Kakashi she saw that he had mostly lightning chakra running through his body.

'So he's mainly a lightning nature type, that's good to know.' she thought to herself as she used this information to formulate which types of counterattacks were best to use against him.

She reached into her bag and grabbed three senbon and threw them in a scattered pattern as a distraction before sprinting towards him.

They simultaneously reached into their pouches and grabbed a kunai. Their faces met dangerously close as their weapons clinked together. He was able to immediately push her back.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now