Orochimaru's Return

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Kakashi, Tsuki, Shikamaru, and Sasuke were in the Hokage's Office discussing what they had found out about the mystery man and the Kuraku clan's history.

Kai and Kanari were playing with their toys on the floor.

"I've been going village to village asking about the man you described. There have been several accounts across the Land of Fire of a man described as having pale white skin, a diagonal scar across his face and a green hooded cape just as you said.  But they all said he was quiet and kept to himself and just passed through their villages.  I still wasn't able to track him.." Sasuke said.

"And the only thing I could find on the Kuraku clan's history was the same thing you told us, Lady Hatake.  That there was an item or something that granted a special power to those who bonded with it and that the Kuraku and Ozawa clan fought over it long ago. Other than that, there's nothing more I could find." Shikamaru said.

"I found that to be the case as well.." Kakashi said.

"Maybe I should just go to Godai myself and try to do my own research." Tsuki said,"We're said to have a spiritual attachment to that land, so maybe I'll discover something that you guys weren't able to."

"No, that's too dangerous." Kakashi said.

"Kashi, I'm pretty sure I can take care of myself." Tsuki retorted while crossing her arms.

"I could go with her." Sasuke,"You can send Sakura and Naruto with us as well. That would definitely be enough man power if we were run into any trouble." When Sasuke returned to the village after the war, Tsuki finally got to properly thank him for setting her free from captivity. Sasuke had a soft spot for her as the wife of his old sensei, and knew her heartache when it came to losing her clan and knowing how much Orochimaru had tortured her.

Kakashi thought about it, but before he could come to a conclusion, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Kakashi said.  The door opened and Yamato stepped in.

"Tenz- I mean Yamato! Haven't seen you in a while!" Kakashi said to him.

"Afternoon, Lord Sixth." Yamato replied.

"Will you drop the Lord part already?" Kakashi replied with a huff.  Tsuki got up and went to give him a hug.

"Is this Kai and Kanari? My goodness they're getting big!" He crouched down to ruffle their hair.

"7 months old now. But progressing a lot faster than we expected." Tsuki replied.

"Aren't you supposed to be guarding Orochimaru?" Shikamaru asked.

Tsuki shivered, she still didn't like hearing his name.

"That's....that's actually what I'm here to talk to you about...." Yamato said.

Before he could explain further the door opened once again and the devil himself, Orochimaru stepped into the room.

Tsuki's eyed widened and she immediately stood in front of her children in a protective stance while Sasuke and Kakashi got up and stepped in front of her. The twins stopped and looked around but remained quiet.

"What the fuck is he doing here?!" She said with a shaky voice as her eyes turned black with her Kekkei genkai.

"You were supposed to wait outside until I talked to them!" Yamato yelled at Orochimaru,"You can't just barge in like that after everything you've done!"

"Why wouldn't they want me here?" Orochimaru said in his smooth snake-like voice,"I can help with the investigation into the Kuraku clan..."

Everyone's ears perked up at his statement, especially Tsuki's.

"Lady Hatake." He said to her,"I know we have a less than ideal history. And I want to sincerely apologize for everything I've done to you. I was blinded by my greed for power..."

"Save it, Orochimaru." Kakashi said forcefully in her defense. He was shocked Tsuki wasn't freaking out like she usually did when confronted with her past with Orochimaru, especially since the man himself was standing a few feet away from her. Her motherly instincts to protect the twins must have kicked in, allowing her to get through this more easily.

"I understand." He said,"But in my attempts to harness the kekkei genkai known as the Chojougan eyes, I found out a lot about the Kuraku clan's history, more than you were probably allowed to know Lady Hatake.  Perhaps I can fill in the blanks for you? You're going to want to hear what I have to say, considering little Kai and Kanari might in danger because of it."  He looked around the gang of people standing in front of him to peek at the twins on the floor. Even if Orochimaru was on the side of the Leaf Village now, his voice still sounded so menacing and almost taunting.

Tsuki's heart dropped.

My kids could be in danger?

"Tsuki, you can take the twins and go. You don't have to deal with this right now.." Kakashi said to her, equally as worried about his children after hearing Orochimaru's statement.

"No." Tsuki said with candor,"I want to hear what he has to say. If Kai and Kanari are in danger, I want to know why."

"What do you say Lord Sixth?" Orochimaru turned his gaze over to Kakashi who was still standing defensively with a kunai in hand.

"Fine, but let's take this to the interrogation room. Shikamaru, please get Shizune to take the twins to the daycare.  I don't want them anywhere near Orochimaru."

"Of course, Lord Sixth." Shikamaru disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Yamato led Orochimaru to the interrogation room and Tsuki, Kakashi, Sasuke, and now Shikamaru were standing behind the glass of the one-way window pane in front and looked at him as he calmly sat in the chair.

"Who's gonna go in there and hear what he has to say?" Yamato asked.

Before anyone could say anything, Tsuki spoke up,"I am."

Kakashi put his arm around her waist,"Are you sure that's a good idea, Tsuki?"

"This issue involves my clan and our children, Kakashi. I'm going in there." She stated again with vigor

"Ok, well since this concerns our children. I'm going in with you." Kakashi stated. Tsuki looked at him and nodded her head.  Her Chojougan was still activated and he could see the fire in her eyes.  He knew he wouldn't win this battle.

Kakashi opened the door to the interrogation room, followed quickly by Tsuki. 

Tsuki stood her ground and tried to appear as strong and threatening as possible as she locked eyes with her former torturer.  She slid the chair out from across him and sat down while Kakashi stood behind her with his hand on her shoulder.

Tsuki crossed her arms and sat her elbows on the table and leaned over to meet his gaze even harder.

"You got some explaining to do." She said in a demanding tone.

Orochimaru leaned in as well and smiled,"Let's see.  Where. To. Begin..."

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