New Eye

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"TSUKI DID WHAT?!" Kakashi yelled at his three former students. They had just got done telling him the details of their encounter with the Ozawa clan.

Naruto and Sakura flinched, Sasuke maintained a straight face.

"She-she allowed herself to be captured by the enemy..." Naruto said with hesitance.

Kakashi started frantically pacing back and forth behind his desk and thinking out loud,"Is she fucking dumb? No, she's not dumb, she's crazy! That's it! She's fucking crazy! I told her to abandon the mission if you guys ran into trouble! Not run right into the arms of the enemy!"

"Right before we were ambushed she had a vision when she stepped onto the land of Godai. She was adamant she had to go with them to get the moonstone that Shin Ozawa had." Sasuke explained.

"Kakashi-sensei, Tsuki-sensei is strong. She'll be just fine. She told us to have you get together a team to go back her up. She's going to send Pakkun when she has the chance." Sakura tried to calm down a very worried Kakashi.

Kakashi took a deep breath, trying to calm down his heart rate so he could try to think clearly about this.

"Go gather team eight so we can try to track her scent. I'll summon my ninja hounds except Pakkun." Kakashi ripped off his red and white Hokage's cloak and threw it over the back of his desk chair,"I'm going with you guys."

"Kakashi-sensei, what about Kai and Kanari?" Sakura mentioned.

"They're safe and being watched by Guy and Kurenai right now. I also have four ANBU observing them as back up. I'm not sitting in my office while my wife is in the hands of the enemy."

Shizune walked into the office.

"Shizune, I'm sorry to tell you last minute but clear my schedule for the next couple of days. I'm going with teams seven and eight on a mission to retrieve Tsuki from the Ozawa clan."

"S-sure thing, Lord Sixth."

"Slow down Kakashi-sensei! We can't keep up with you!" Naruto yelled.

Kakashi was flying through the trees, faster than ever before, following his ninja hounds to find Tsuki with teams seven and eight behind him.

He was both worried about Tsuki and mad at her, but mostly worried.

'What would possess her to willingly get captured by the enemy?" He thought. The only thing he could think of would be that she saw something in her visions when she got to Godai that would lead her to make a rash decision like this. Were the moonstones really that important?

As they continued to hop through the trees, Kakashi saw a little brown blob run on the ground pass underneath them running in the opposite direction.

"'Pakkun!" Kakashi yelled out and jumped down at his side. His other hounds disappeared.

"There you are Kakashi! Listen, Tsuki was taken back to the Ozawa clans hideout but we gotta hurry. She managed to steal the moonstone but she's in trouble. I think they're trying to take her eyes!" Pakkun said with urgency,"Follow me!"

"Fuck!" Kakashi exclaimed. If there were at least twenty enemies like Naruto described in Godai, he was worried Tsuki wouldn't be able to fight them all by herself.

Pakkun led them to a rock formation with a small cave entrance, undetectable if you weren't specifically looking for it.

'Please be okay, Tsuki.' Kakashi thought as he ran through the cave following Pakkun. He led them down multiple hallways finally broke through to a large room where he saw Tsuki standing in the middle of it fighting off two enemies at once, their fight was nearing an end and she quickly cut them down as they fell at her feet. She was surrounded by either dead or dying bodies.

"Wow, Tsuki-sensei! You fought off all these people by yourself?!" Naruto yelled as he looked around the room.

Tsuki's head shot up at the sound of Naruto's voice and looked over and saw Kakashi. Her eyes were black.

"Kashi!" She yelled as she reached into her pocket to pull something out and toss it towards him,"Here take this back to the village!"

He caught and looked at it, it was a shimmering moonstone that had blue, white, and pink colors reflecting off of it. It had immense chakra energy radiating from it as Kakashi held it in his hands.

"Hinata!" Kakashi turned to look at team eight,"Go with Kiba and Shino and take this back to the village at once!"

Hinata grabbed ahold of the moonstone,"Of course, Lord Sixth!"

They turned and began running back to the village.

"Tsuki!" Kakashi started jogging towards his wife,"I'm so glad you're oka-"

His sentence was quickly cut off. Before he could reach Tsuki, Shin came swinging down from the ceiling in a surprise attack and ripped out Tsuki's left eye from her eye socket.

"Agggghhh!" Tsuki yelled in pain as her hand instinctively lifted to cover over her missing eye while she fell to her knees. Kakashi watched as blood began seeping through her fingers.

Shin kept swinging and tossed her eye into a jar full of liquid before retreating.

"Naruto, Sasuke! Follow him!" Kakashi said. Naruto and Sasuke were already on it as they began running after Shin.

Sakura and Kakashi ran to Tsuki's aid.

"Tsuki-sensei, let me treat the wound." Sakura's hands began to glow green while Tsuki removed her bloodied hand from her face. She bit the inside of her cheek trying to hold back tears from the pain.

Kakashi held Tsuki's hand while Sakura worked on her.

Tsuki managed to talk through the pain,"I know you're probably mad at me for doing this Kakashi but I'll have to explain later. We need to get my eye back from Shin! It's too dangerous for him to have the power of the Chojougan!" Sakura stopped the bleeding for now that's about all she could do until they got back to the village.

Tsuki stood and pulled her ninja headband down to cover her now missing left eye. And took off running in the direction Naruto and Sasuke went.

Kakashi had no time to argue and took off after her. But they were quickly stopped by Naruto and Sasuke who had returned.

"Where is he?! Where's Shin?!" Tsuki yelled

"He just disappeared...." Sasuke said. He sounded defeated, definitely not like the normal Sasuke they all knew.

Sakura caught up to them,"Naruto! Can you heal Tsuki-sensei's eye like you did for Kakashi-sensei when he lost his Sharingan?"

"Uhhhh, yeah sure thing, come here." He gestured towards Tsuki and she approached him while he lifted her headband and placed a hand over her left eye. She deactivated her Chojougan in the other eye.

She used her sleeve to wipe away the blood from her face and opened it up and looked up at Kakashi.

"Uhh, Tsuki?" Kakashi said tilting his head at her.

"What?" Tsuki said looking back at Naruto,"What did you do Naruto?"


Kakashi spoke up for him,"Tsuki your left eye is green." He said with a small chuckle looking into her bi-colored eyes, one light green and one oceany blue.

Tsuki rolled her eyes,"You gave me the wrong eye color, Naruto?"

"I'm sorry I haven't perfectly mastered the Ying-Yang release! Sometimes shit gets messed up!" He retorted.

"Ugh whatever, this will do for now, we need to get my original eye back anyway. Let's head back to village. I want to make sure the moonstone makes it back."

The four of them started dashing home.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now