Madara Appears!

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Tsunade was still in a coma. Danzo was now named Hokage but has not been officially sworn in yet. A Five Kage summit has been called to name Sasuke a criminal for capturing the eight tailed beast on behalf of the Akatsuki. And Tobi revealed himself to be Madara Uchiha


"Let's go, everyone." Kakashi nodded towards Naruto, Tsuki, and Yamato.

They departed, tailing the cloud village ninja, in order to locate the Raikage. Naruto desperately wanted to speak to him to let him know that Sasuke capturing the eight tails, the Raikage's brother, was likely manipulation from Madara and not something Sasuke would do in his right mind.

Eventually they caught up. Naruto pleaded with the Raikage to pardon Sasuke, to no avail. The Raikage continued on to the summit.

Feeling defeated the small team decided to stop at all inn for the night.

Yamato and Kakashi were on the ground discussing their next move regarding Sasuke and Tsuki was on the roof keeping watch. Naruto was laying down in bed.

Naruto rolled to his side when he heard an ominous, familiar voice behind him.

"Yo! Why don't we have a little chat, Naruto Uzumaki?" Madara said from behind him.

"You!" Naruto yelled forming a Rasengan and lunging to attack, blowing out one side of the inn.

'What?! Where did he come from?' Tsuki thought, she was keeping a very close eye on the perimeter, how did he slip past her?

"Wood Style!" Yamato yelled as he caged in Naruto to protect him from Madara while also snaking timber to try and wrap around the enemy. Kakashi lifted his headband and follow the enemy's moves with his Sharingan as he dodged all of Yamato's jutsu and jumped to the roof. Kakashi quickly followed activating his lightning blade.

But he wasn't quick enough.

"You'll do just fine. Tsuki, right?" Madara said in a deep raspy voice as he wrapped one arm around Tsuki's waist pinning her arms to her side and putting a kunai to her throat. How did he get to her so fast? He was much bigger than her, slightly taller than Kakashi, and much stronger than her physically, she couldn't shake him off. One wrong move and he could easily slit her throat. Tsuki felt his him breathe down the back of her neck causing her to shudder in fear.

Kakashi stopped in his tracks as he realized he was about to impale Tsuki with his lightning blade now that Madara was using her a human shield, his eyebrows crinkled in anger.

"Let her go, Madara! NOW!" Venom laced Kakashi's voice as he saw that this very dangerous man had a hold of his beloved girlfriend. The blue glow of his lightning blade continued reflecting off of his face.

"You're fast. As expected from Kakashi of the Sharingan. But not fast enough it seems." Madara said calmly,"And you're so defensive of the Kuraku princess. I've been hearing about you two as a famed ninja duo lately, seems like she's more than a comrade to you, eh Kakashi?"

"What do you want?!" Kakashi spat

"The nine tails jinchuriki." He replied still calm.

"We're not letting you get to Naruto that easily, Madara!" Tsuki yelled, trying once again to shake out of his grasp to no avail. Madara's kunai scraped at her neck, drawing a little blood, causing her to grit her teeth.

"Tch. Don't be hasty, woman." Madara said as he squeezed her tighter to cease her squirming.

Kakashi looked onward trying to formulate how he would get Tsuki away from him. There was no opening he could take without also hurting her, and the mechanisms of Madara's jutsu were still widely unknown. He was stuck, unable to make a move. Yamato felt the same.

"Calm down everyone, I just want to have a little chat." Madara said. He began to divulge the history of Itachi, explaining the chain of events that would eventually lead Sasuke to want to destroy the leaf.

The three jonin and Naruto stood in shock.

"That's... impossible..!" Yamato said

"Sooner or later you'll end up fighting Sasuke." Madara directed at Naruto,"No I'm gonna make sure you run into Sasuke for the long awaited fight of destiny. Anyways, I'll talk to you later in a appropriate location."

Madara roughly threw Tsuki towards Kakashi before disappearing into a portal. Kakashi reached out and caught Tsuki and led to her a sitting position before tending to the cut on her neck. Wiping it clean and putting a bandage over it.

"Are you ok? I'm sorry I couldn't get to you in time." Kakashi said disappointed in himself. As soon as he returned home, he was going to start training more so he could protect Tsuki better, especially if there was a war brewing.

"I'm fine, thank you. No need to fuss, dear. It could've been a lot worse." Tsuki took his hand and he helped her stand and he embraced her placing a light kiss on the top of her head, while brushing her bangs out of her face. He stood right next to her in case another enemy tried to pull a similar move.

Yamato released his wood style Jutsu.

"Let's keep this truth about Itachi to ourselves. We don't even know if it's true." Kakashi said.

"I already don't trust Danzo, if what Madara said it's true, this just makes it worse." Yamato replied

"I don't like the sound of this Danzo guy." Tsuki said. Not being from the leaf village and not having been in the ANBU like Kakashi and Yamato had, she didn't even know who this mysterious Danzo guy was.

Kakashi held Tsuki's hands in his,"Ok I think that's enough action for one night, you need to get to sleep. We'll head back to the leaf in the morning. I'll take over watch from here."

"No, I'll take over. You both need to get some sleep." Yamato called out. Kakashi nodded and gave him a closed eye smile and led Tsuki back to their room at the inn, where they crawled into bed and promptly fell asleep.

Ahhh, short chapter. Sorry! I've been working a lot lately. But I'm summarizing a lot of this stuff because I'm assuming most of y'all have watched Shippuden so skipping over details seems logical. Anyway bye!!!!!


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