Tsuki and Pakkun (fluff)

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Tsuki summoned Pakkun.

"Tsuki, what's going on did something happen to Kakashi again?" Pakkun asked before sniffing the air in search of his scent. To be honest, Tsuki wasn't the only one traumatized by Kakashi's temporary death, Pakkun had felt the effects of it too when he suddenly felt his contract with Kakashi end abruptly before restarting again.

"No, no don't worry he's fine. I just talked to him. I just summoned you to travel back to the Leaf Village with me. That way you can run and report to Kakashi if I run into trouble." Tsuki reassured him.

"Oh, I see. Let's head out then?" He replied. Tsuki nodded and they began hopping through the trees.

"So why did you and Kakashi split up? It's hard to believe you wouldn't stay together on a mission." Pakkun said. Kakashi had previously gushed to Pakkun about his love for Tsuki in such a way that made him know that he was head over heels for her.

"It's an urgent matter. A lot has happened since the last time I summoned you." She explained all the events that had recently come to pass.

"Kakashi?! Hokage?!" Pakkun shouted in surprise,"I bet he's not too happy about that."

"He's not." Tsuki agreed,"But he knows he has to step up to the plate if he wants to protect the village. Especially if we're going into a war."

"You mean if he wants to protect you." Pakkun winked.

Tsuki blushed.

"You know every time that guy summons me, he won't shut up about you?" Pakkun continued,"It's like you occupy every his brain cell and makes it everybody's problem. I mean, I like you Tsuki, but I don't need to know your favorite dango flavor by ranking or that he waits five minutes to give you your morning tea so it's the right temperature so you can drink it without burning your tongue."

Tsuki blushed even harder and couldn't help but let a small smile decorate her face. Had Kakashi really been paying that close attention to her all this time? They had only been dating for almost 6 months, she didn't realize how much Kakashi really knew about little things like that. It made her heart warm instantly.

"God, I fucking love him you know that Pakkun?" Tsuki said with a giggle.

"Oh God not you too. Don't start." Pakkun said with a warning.

They hand spent a lot of time together as a couple, mainly because Tsunade was nice enough to always send them on missions together, so they would travel early and have mini vacations before beginning the missions, they must have subconsciously gotten to know each other's habits in that time. That must be why they're so good in battle together.

Tsuki knew little things about Kakashi's likes and dislikes too. She tried to list as many in her head as she could think of. She memorized the way his nose would scrunch in disgust whenever he would eat something sweet against his will because she made him. The way he meticulously had to peel his oranges so that all of the white fleshy part was gone. How he had to take up the whole bed by stretching every limb in a specific order when he woke up. How he walked around the house at night making sure the doors and windows were locked and all the lights were off before he joined Tsuki to go to sleep. He was just, so, cute to her. She felt lucky to have someone pay attention to her as much as she payed attention to him. He still gave her butterflies just as easily as when they first started dating. He took care of her on all levels physically, mentally, emotionally.... Sexually. She could only hope he felt the same about her.

"Ok Pakkun, I'll spare you for now." Tsuki laughed.

They continued on until they reached the Hidden Leaf.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now