Obito Uchiha

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"Kakashi! Guy! Naruto!" Tsuki yelled as she landed next to them. They were facing off with the tailed beasts and the mystery masked man they found out wasn't Madara.

"Tsuki! Are you alright?" Kakashi asked, quickly scanning her bodies for injuries.

"I'm fine. I just woke up from the fight with my parents. I got here as fast as I could. What's going on?"

"Tsuki Kuraku. How nice of you to finally join us." The masked man said

"Tch. It's Hatake now actually.." Tsuki replied smugly


"How were we supposed to tell you Naruto, you were on an island!" Tsuki yelled back.

"Married?" Tobi whispered to himself,"Kakashi got married?"

The group gasped when a small crack in his mask started to form and get bigger and bigger until it shattered and fell of his face.

Guy and Kakashi's eyes widened, while Tsuki and Naruto stood there confusednas to why they seemed so shocked and surprised.

Kakashi started hyperventilating and Tsuki recognized the signs of his panic.

She grabbed him by the arm,"Kashi! Hey! Kakashi, what's wrong?!"

"O-obito?" Guy finally spoke up. Tsuki whipped her head up to look at the man who she realized only had a Sharingan in his right eye. She looked at the Sharingan in Kakashi's left eye and her brain started to put the puzzle pieces together

"You're....Obito Uchiha?" She said with a confused tone,"But, Kakashi said you died a long time ago..."

"Who's Obito?!" Naruto asked.

"He was one of our classmates, back in the day.." Guy spoke up

Kakashi partially gained his composure,"If you were alive all this time, why didn't you come back?!"

"The reason doesn't matter." Obito replied,"But if you really want one, it's because you didn't protect Rin."

Obito's words were like a knife to Kakashi's heart, he started hyperventilating again and couldn't control his racing thoughts. Tsuki squeezed his arm to ground him once again, but Kakashi fell to his knees.

"How dare you say that Obito!" Tsuki spoke up on Kakashi's behalf since she knew how this would make him feel,"You know it was an accident!"

"Accident or not. Rin's still dead and Kakashi did not keep his promise to keep her safe."

Before anyone could say anymore, Madara showed up and began talking to Obito, Tsuki leaned down and tried talking Kakashi down.

"Kashi, I know this is hard right now but you need to focus. Just breathe, he's saying that to get you worked up."

"But he's right though.." Kakashi looked down at his hands and saw the hands that killed Rin.

"Kakashi, you need to snap out if it!" Guy shook his shoulder trying to get him to focus as well.

Suddenly Madara launched an attack which Naruto and Guy countered and began their fight. Leaving Obito to Kakashi and Tsuki.

Tsuki protectively stepped in front of Kakashi as he was still trying to get control of his emotions and scowled at Obito as she activated her visual prowess.

"In my opinion, Kakashi doesn't even deserve a wife since he killed Rin." Obito said coldly to Tsuki.

"Good thing I didn't ask for your opinion.." she said as she made the hand signs for Chidori.

Her hand lit up with lightning and she charged Obito. She ended up just passing right through him but as soon as she made it to the other side she quickly turned and grabbed his collar, slamming him into the ground and landing a kick to his chest and launched herself high into the air.

"Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!" Obito yelled and shot it up in her direction. Tsuki easily dissipated the fireball with her Kekkei genkai and grabbed two pieces of earth on either side of him and tried to smash him between it, which Obito dodged.

Kakashi snapped out of it, realizing his wife was fighting with his former best friend and jumped into action to help her. His kunai clanged against Obito's as he managed to fend him off with a short Taijutsu battle before getting sucked in to Obito's eye.

"Kashi!" Tsuki yelled fearing that he was lost forever. She was, however, quickly relieved when he reappeared out of his own portal shortly after

"We have the same eyes! Our Kamui leads to the same dimensional plane!" Kakashi informed Tsuki.

"Good to know!" She sarcastically yelled back.

Tsuki threw shuriken in Obito's direction that ultimately passed through them but she followed it up with a punch to the ground that rippled the earth below their feet and made him momentarily stumbled. Kakashi landed a kick but Obito spun around and kicked Kakashi hard and he fell back a good ten feet.

Kakashi was trying to get up but he wasn't quick enough and Tsuki saw Obito charging at him with two giant shuriken that would surely slice him to bits.

"No! Kakashi!" Tsuki yelled as she shot air from her hands to propel herself forward towards them.

Going into this war, Tsuki was prepared to give her life for Kakashi, and it looks like that moment finally came.

Kakashi turned around at the last second, just in time to see Tsuki cough up blood onto his face as Obito dug an "X" shaped pattern into her back with the two giant shuriken.

"Ts-Tsuki. No-" Kakashi was in utter shock as her blood ran down his face,"No...."

"Ka-kashi..." Tsuki pushed out the words with the very last will power she had before she fell onto her knees and then her face at his feet. Kakashi fell to his knees and leaned over her body.

Her breathing became heavy, she was losing a lot of blood, he tried to hold pressure on her wound but there was too many places the blood was oozing from. And there wasn't a medical ninja in sight.

"How does it feel to watch the love of your life die in front of you?" Obito asked menacingly.

Kakashi heart felt as if it was tearing in two and silent tears fell from his eyes. At the same time he couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

'Why her?' Kakashi thought 'I knew I was fearful of confessing my love to her for a reason. If I hadn't, maybe she wouldn't be a lieutenant in this war. Maybe Obito wouldn't have targeted her. Maybe she wouldn't have jumped in front of me. Maybe she'd be okay right now. Why her? Why did I do this to her?'

"Such a pity... Looks like she doesn't have very long left. Might as well finish the job..." Obito said ad he pulled her into his plane using Kamui.

"TSUKI! NOOOO!" Kakashi cried out as she and Obito disappeared from his sight.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now