An Old Friend Pt. 3

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Tsuki awoke to the sound of an alarm clock, which she quickly shut off. She was wrapped in Kakashi's arms. She stretched her body causing him to stir in his sleep a bit but not wake up. He rolled over onto his back, Tsuki rolled with him as she hugged his torso and rested her head on his shoulder.

She looked up at his sleeping face, he looked so peaceful and he was so pretty to her. Butterflies flew through her stomach.

She leaned and placed a light kiss on the beauty mark that rested on the left lower corner of his chin, causing him to turn his head to her, silently asking for a kiss on the lips, still refusing to open his eyes. Tsuki pecked her mouth against his and moved up to place a kiss on the scar that ran down his left eye as she momentarily recalled the story of how he got that scar.

She wished she could lay in bed with him forever, she felt so warm, everything was perfect when they were in each other's arms like this. She would never get tired of cuddling with Kakashi. But sadly, they were on a mission and needed to get up.

"Morning sleepyhead." She gently placed her hand on his toned chest and shook him.

"Mmmm." Kakashi groaned before covering his face with the blankets, wrapping himself in a makeshift cocoon.

"Sorry Kashi, but we need to get up and finish our mission." She insisted lovingly.

"No we dooooon't." Kakashi said in his sleepy morning voice. He pushed Tsuki to her side and spooned her from behind before tucking her back into the covers with him,"I set the clock 2 hours ahead cause I wanted to wake up and have morning sex, but I'm way too fucking tired for that shit...."

"Wow, only you would set an alarm for something like that.." Tsuki teased.

"You bet your ass I would." Kakashi continued with his raspy deep voice,"But yesterday took a lot of out me. Between the whole wanting to murder Tsukata thing to fucking your brains out. You're hard work, Kuraku." He hugged her tighter and kissed her shoulder,"Let's just go back to sleep..."

Tsuki giggled,"Hey I'm not gonna protest more sleep." Tsuki reached toward the alarm clock and set it for a more appropriate time and they both drifted back off to sleep.

Kakashi, Tsuki, and Tsukata were walking through the forest. Tsukata had kept completely silent, only speaking when necessary and he avoided eye contact with Tsuki.

He was scared to even breathe in her direction, fearing that Kakashi would kick his ass, especially after the way he had been talking about her yesterday. Kakashi was proud he was able to set the record straight.

Tsuki thought she sensed a foreign chakra around them and stopped walking causing Tsukata and Kakashi to stop as well. She activated her Chojougan and tried scanning the immediate area for any traces of nature chakra.

Her eyes sometimes allowed her to spot enemies if they had a natural chakra affinity, she would be able to see it, but she spotted nothing.

Kakashi in a similar fashion lifted his headband to scan the area with his Sharingan. Nothing.

"I swear I felt something but I guess I'm wrong." Tsuki walked on followed by Tsukata and Kakashi,"Let's stick closer together, I have a weird feeling."

Kakashi nodded. Tsuki got 'a weird feeling' about stuff from time to time and she was always right.

Tsuki and Kakashi simultaneously summoned a shadow clone each to cover Tsukata's sides as their guarding formation circle got smaller in diameter.

"Wow, you guys do really seem like you can read each other's minds." Tsukata mentioned, still avoiding eye contact with Tsuki.

Not even a second after he finishes his sentence an enemy jumped by and threw several kunai hitting Tsuki in the chest.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now