A Report

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Tsuki was in the kitchen making miso soup with eggplant and some rice while the twins were in the living room in their play pin doing tummy time while Kakashi was on the couch napping, dead to the world.

Four months had passed since getting home from the hospital and parenting was taking a toll on both of them, they were always tired, but they wouldn't have it any other way. They worked their partnership out to an almost 50/50 split in terms of effort when it came to taking care of the kids and doing chores around the house. Tsuki was taking full advantage of it before Kakashi had to return to work as the Hokage and she'd be doing most of the stuff by herself. His paternity leave would be up next week.

Every so often she'd peek over to make sure they were okay, most of the time they were staring at each other, babbling as if they had their own language that they were both fluent in, rolling over back and forth or reaching and crawling for their toys.

They were advancing kind of fast for their age and it worried Tsuki, because she would have to worry about them getting away from her too easily. Keeping track of two kids is hard enough when they don't have the ability to run away from you at will.

Kanari's hair had grown out quite a bit, almost too much for someone her age, Kakashi even learned to put it in small pigtails at the top of her head. It was just as silky and a soft shimmering silver as Kakashi's although because of her eyes and eyelashes, she was starting to look so much like Tsuki in the face. But Tsuki could tell she was going to grow up to be so much like him, her personality already started to match his, she had a calm, cool, and collected demeanor most of the time, but knew to laugh around the right people.

Kai on the other hand was the spitting image of Kakashi, minus the hair which began to grow quickly as well and started slightly falling over his forehead with a personality that matched Tsuki's. He was constantly laughing with an almost sarcastic tone, but had moments of fiery passion when he was determined to take his favorite toy from Kanari. He was very attached to Kakashi and Tsuki most of the time and loved to be showered with attention and kisses.

Tsuki smiled at her kids playing the living and continued to cook. Her body had bounced back which she was grateful for. Not only for appearances' sake, but she was happy her back wasn't hurting as much, her ankles wouldn't swell like crazy, and she could eat food without vomiting it right back up.

Tsuki finished cooking and set bowls of soup and rice onto the dining table and walked over to the couch and rolled her body on top of Kakashi's.

He opened one eye and took a deep inhale through nose and wrapped his arms around her before closing his eye again.

"Time for dinner.." Tsuki said placing kisses all over his face

"No dinner. Sleep now." He said in his tired voice. Right after he said that a stuffed animal flew across the room and smacked him in the face. Kakashi shot his eyes open and both he and Tsuki turned to look at the twins who were now laughing at the two of them.

"Did they just throw that?" Kakashi asked shocked.

"Well I didn't. That must have been one of them. Or both of them?" Tsuki replied, equally as shocked.

"They're only four months they shouldn't be able to do that" he said, confusion written all over his face.

"Uh, yeah I know. I mean they can already sit up with their supporting pillows. Maybe they're just developing really fast."

"God, we're gonna have to keep a close eye on them forever aren't we?" Kakashi joked.

Tsuki laughed and stood up from the couch to and grabbed Kanari from the floor and made their way over to the dining table where she sat down with her daughter on her lap. Kakashi did the same with Kai.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now