Flashback - Closure (angst)

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***A/N: In honor of the true Naruto spirit, I figured I'd write in some short flashbacks on Tsuki's and Kakashi's relationship of them going on missions, dates, etc. There's a huge gap between now and when the war occurs, so I'm figuring out what to do with it all. Let me know if you like these kinds of chapters!***

Flashback #1

"Now that Orochimaru's dead I'd like to send you two to search his abandoned hide outs for any Intel. Just between the three of us, I suspect Danzo from Foundation has been working with him, and I'd like to find proof of that." Tsunade said sliding a scroll over the desk towards the Chojougan princess and Kakashi of the Sharingan. The ninja couple was becoming known to the shinobi world as the Onaji duo ("the same" in Japanese), because in battle, the pair fought as if they were the same person tapping into a hive mind. They could read and predict each other's movements and complimented the other's fighting styles well.

"Here's the information on the abandoned hideouts we've discovered. I'm sending the two of you in case you run into trouble. That and Kakashi your Sharingan may be useful in spotting traps that may have been set and Tsuki, you've probably been to some of these hideouts before and might know the lay out." Tsunade finished.

Kakashi picked up the scroll and put it in his pocket for him and Tsuki to look at later.

"Good luck you two. And Tsuki wear this" Tsunade threw her a piece of black cloth,"Try to conceal your identity as much as possible, even though Orochimaru's dead, we still don't know if he has followers out there who may be interested in your kekkei genkai." Tsunade dismissed them. Kakashi and Tsuki bowed and headed out the door.

Tsuki unfolded the piece of fabric. It was a black shirt with an attached mask, identical to the one Kakashi wore.

"You know she's right, you really should conceal your identity for this mission. Surely you're a target being the last person to possess the Chojougan eyes. I've even had people try to steal my Sharingan before." Kakashi said.

"You're right. Let me go to the bathroom and change really quick and we'll head out." Tsuki replied, she disappeared into one of the public restrooms in the lobby of the Hokage's tower and switched her shirt. She kept her normal shorts and knee high ninja sandals but the new black long sleeve shirt hugged her body tightly. She looked at herself in the mirror and lifted up the mask to fit snug over her nose. She decided to get her long brown hair out of the way and reached into her satchel and pulled out a long senbon and wrapped it up until it secured into a bun at the back of her head.

"I look like Kakashi." She laughed at herself in the mirror,"Now we'll really live up to the Onaji duo name."

She exited the bathroom and sarcastically spun around for Kakashi to see the new outfit, he jokingly whistled in response. When she finished spinning all the way around he focused on her face, noticing how striking her blue eyes were now that half of her face was covered.

"Not gonna lie it's kinda hot...." He said rubbing the back of his neck and blushing.

"Why because it covers half of my face?" Tsuki teased.

"Yes." Kakashi said, but he knew he fucked up on his delivery,"I mean no, no, no not because I don't like seeing your face you just look mysterious and your eyes stand out more and I don't know it looks good. You know I think you're pretty right?"

Tsuki couldn't help but laugh at Kakashi trying to save himself from his last statement, but she never took any offense, she knew what he meant the first time,"I'm just kidding Kashi!"

"Ugghhh... You're gonna give me stress lines, Kuraku, come on let's go.." she followed him to the gate as he pulled out the scroll and located the first set of coordinates on the map. They began jumping through the trees together, making it to the first hideout rather quickly.

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