One Year

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"Happy Birthday dear Kai and Kanari! Happy birthday to you!" The small crowd of people sang to Kai who was sitting on Kakashi's lap and Kanari who was sitting on Tsuki's. They had just turned one years old. But with the way they were developing, mentally and physically, they were more like three year olds.

They could walk and jump and skip. They could talk in complete sentences and all their baby teeth had grown in. Kai was about 3 feet tall now and Kanari was about 2 feet 7 inches. Shortly after Shin attempted to kidnap them, they hit a massive growth spurt and it shocked everyone, especially Tsunade, who had never seen children grow this quickly. Tsuki and Kakashi wondered if their growth would ever plateau. They had to donate all their baby food and clothes because the twins had outgrown all of it.

"Can we open pwesents now, daddy?" Kai turned around to face Kakashi.

"Yeah I wanna see what Nawuto got us!" Kanari followed up

As siblings, Kai and Kanari were inseparable, everything they did, they did together. It was a very rare occasion when they didn't include the other on whatever they were doing.

"Yes baby, we can open Naruto's present first." Tsuki turned and grabbed two boxes that said from: Big Brother Naruto and handed them to either of the twins.

"Hell yeah! They're gonna love my present!" Naruto yelled out from the small crowd.

The twins unwrapped their presents and opened the boxes to find........... kunai?!

Tsuki and Kakashi quickly grabbed the sharp objects from their kids hands' and set it to the side.

"H-how thoughtful Naruto...." Tsuki said trying to be nice.

Sakura smacked Naruto in the back of the head,"You IDIOT! You can't give one year olds a sharp dangerous kunai!"

The twins laughed at Sakura and Naruto.

"You said they're more like three year olds!" Naruto retorted.

"You shouldn't give kunai to three year olds either!" She yelled again.

"Okay, okay simmer down you two." Kakashi said,"They'll use them when their old enough so either way thank you..."

"Mine next! I want my youthful godchildren to see what I got them!" Guy yelled out

"Okay, if you insist, Guy.." Kakashi turned and picked out two gift bags from the pile and handed them to the appropriate twin. They shuffled through them and pulled out........two green skin tight jumpsuits?!!?

Kakashi sweat dropped and rolled his eyes.

Tsuki laughed,"Oh my god, Guy, I am not dressing my children in this."

"That was just a gag gift!" Guy said with gusto,"The real presents are right here!" He stepped aside and presented two tricycles.

"Woowww!" The twins hopped off Tsuki and Kakashi's lap and ran towards the bikes.

"Mommy, daddy! Can we go wide them now?!" Kanari asked

"Let's finish presents first and then you can go okay?" Tsuki said.

They sighed and walked back over to their parents.

They finished up presents, everyone told them happy birthday and eventually people started to shuffle out of the house.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto and Sakura were still lingering,"Can we teach Kai and Kana to ride their tricycles?!"

"Sure, but only in front of the house. Don't go further than that." Kakashi said. He was still on edge about Shin's attempted kidnapping.

The twins ran to follow Naruto and Sakura outside, leaving Tsuki and Kakashi in the kitchen by themselves.

"Tsuki, we need to talk." Kakashi said to her in a serious tone.

"I already know what you're going to say...." She said with a sigh.

"It's time to start training Kana and Kai. They're progressing much faster than we thought. They need to learn to control their chakra, I know you've already seen raw chakra pour out of them a couple of times just as I have. If they don't learn to control it, it could be dangerous not only for the village but for them. Especially because of the connection they have with the moonstones."

"I know I know..."

"Then why have you been avoiding it?" Kakashi snapped

"They just turned one, Kashi! I wanted them to have at least one year of a normal life before they have to take on this huge responsibility!" She put her face into her hands and leaned over the counter pushing back tears.  She felt terrible that her children were always going to live with this weight on their shoulders. She recounted how Naruto had confided in her how tough it was to grow up as a child with the responsibility of the nine tails, she didnt want that for her own children.

Kakashi felt bad that she was on the verge of tears and walked up behind her and started rubbing her shoulders,"I'm sorry I snapped dear. I'm just as stressed about this as you are, but in trying to look at it objectively I think it would be better to train them to ensure they have control over their chakra and this power than it would be to just leave them to their own devices."

"I understand, babe." Tsuki leaned back into his arms and he placed a kiss to her cheek.

"Iruka said he would take them into the academy in the next enrollment period in a few months."

"Academy?! They're only one!"

"Yes, but they're developmentally three.  I went into the academy at five and graduated at six so it's not the most unrealistic thing in the world."

"Ugh, I guess you're right..."

"Let's take them to the training ground tonight and start teaching them some basic stuff? Sound good?"

"Works for me.." Tsuki said reluctantly

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now