Author's Note

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Omg almost 1K reads?! How did we end up as #18 in KakashixOC stories?  That's crazy to me I feel like I just started writing this.

Hopefully you guys are enjoying the story, but I noticed you guys like the lemons more than anything 😂😂 don't worry those will continue to be scattered throughout. Because although this story fits into the world of Naruto Shippuden, ultimately I'm writing about Tsuki's and Kakashi's relationship, which includes lots of smut 😏I love writing them because after all, I'm just AnotherKakashiSimp.

But I love writing fluff too because I think we all know Kakashi deserves some damn happiness in his life after all of his trauma, poor baby 🥺🥺

Leave me feedback, what do you guys like? What do you hate? I love hearing from you guys.

Next chapter coming soon!


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