The Past (fluff +🍋 )

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Kakashi held Tsuki in the shower and they swayed back and forth, just letting the hot water roll down their skin. It was rare that they had moments to themselves like this.

He thought back to the first time his hands ever touched her body as he caught her when she collapsed out of the forest with one foot in the grave. He remembered how beautiful she looked the next day when he went to seal the curse mark on her shoulder, even though at the time he didn't have feelings for her. The two year mark from when they first started dating was coming up soon, and he had been thinking of what he could get her or what they could do for their anniversary. He couldn't believe how time has flown and how so much has happened in the last two years.

"I'm so thankful Sasuke pointed you in the direction of the village the day he let you escape." Kakashi said out of the blue,"I genuinely don't know what I'd do without you, Tsuki."

Tsuki giggled,"Me too, my love. I barely made it to the village. And every time see you and the twins I'm so grateful you swept me off my feet."

"Can I tell you something I've never told you before?" Kakashi asked.

"You have a secret, Hatake?" Tsuki was shocked, she felt like they knew almost everything about each other.

"You........were my first real kiss. As in direct contact with my lips" He said with a half smile.

Tsuki was taken aback,"Wha-how? You weren't a virgin when we first kissed. You're telling me you slept with women with your mask on your whole life?"

Kakashi chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck,"Well there was this one time I accidentally fell on top of a woman from the Land of Keys and we kissed by mistake but I still had my mask on. But other than that, yeah I've always worn my mask..."

The cogs in Tsuki's head started turning,"So then I'm also the first person you....."

"Ate out.........yes." Kakashi finished her sentence for her.

Tsuki's mind was blown, the math just didn't add up. That was his first time?

"Wait, wait, wait. So you never kissed someone before me and never ate a girl out before me?"


"Are you sure?" Tsuki was still confused.

He laughed,"What do you mean 'are you sure?' yeah I'm sure, I'd think I'd know if I did that to a woman before you."

"Then how were you so good at it?!?! You had to have practiced on someone else before!!!" Tsuki refused to believe it was his first time.


"You learned all of that from reading Make-Out Paradise?!" Tsuki said.

"And Make-Out Tactics." Kakashi added on.

Tsuki's mouth was wide with shock,"No fucking way. Kashi I don't think you understand how good it was the first time you ate me out. Dude, what the fuck, no way, I refuse to believe that you had never done that before."

"You know, most women would be happy to know that their husband had never eaten someone else's pussy. Or even laid his lips on another woman in general." Kakashi said sarcastically.

"Yeah, yeah, I understand that concept, but what you're saying makes no goddamn sense. There's no way that was your first time."

"I don't know what to tell you, Kuraku! It was! Look I'll be honest, I never took off my mask but I did get really good with my hands in my previous *cough" encounters."

"See, that makes more sense..." Tsuki said bluntly.

Kakashi rolled his eyes and pulled her in tighter,"Ugh you're killing me..."

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now