Payback (🍋)

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A week and a half had passed. Tsunade was still in a coma but Tsuki had fully recovered and life went back to normal for her.

Kakashi and Tsuki were at the dinner table eating food that of course Kakashi made.

"So I was thinking...." Tsuki broke the silence. Kakashi raised an eyebrow and took another bite of food. Tsuki bit her lip. Why was Kakashi so. Fucking. Hot. It was almost unfair. Anything and everything the man did turned her on.

"You owe me one." Tsuki finished her sentence.

"Owe you one?" Kakashi asked confused,"Owe you one what?"

"Sex. You owe me sex, for dying when I specifically asked you not to." Tsuki said. Kakashi stopped eating and his heart started pounding, he moved closer to Tsuki and ran his hands up her thigh.

"Well I can make that happen.." he said in a low husky voice as he leaned in and started to nibble at Tsuki's neck. He had gone a week and a half without sex, sure he masturbated in that time. He couldn't help but get turned on by Tsuki's every move, but it never satisfied the craving he had to be one with her.

Tsuki sighed and tilted her head to give him more access as butterflies began to form in her stomach and the ache between her legs grew wet,"But I have conditions."

"Mhmm." Kakashi said still buried in the crook of her neck, placing sweet kisses on her skin, now rocking a semi in his pants.

"I get to do whatever I want with you." Tsuki said, causing Kakashi to halt his breathing.

"Oh so you wanna be daddy now?" Kakashi chuckled,"Last time I checked, you lived for me to be in control "

"Not like that! I just want the ability to tease you a little, or a lot, without you protesting too much." Tsuki replied, she had an absolutely torturous, evil idea in mind. Kakashi leaned back in shock that she was so persistent about this.

"Where did this come from?" He asked with a smirk.

"I don't know! This last week and a half without sex has me feeling some type of way! I just wanna torture you a little as payback for dying on me! I mean I'm a little traumatized from the whole thing I think I deserve to have a little fun with you." Tsuki said.

Kakashi chuckled,"Ok. Deal. You can do whatever you want to me. Within reason. And I won't complain." Kakashi bit his lip, he had no idea what Tsuki had in mind, but this sudden change in her demeanor turned him on. He was also just excited to be inside her again.

"Yay!" Tsuki jumped up and took her dining chair to the bedroom.

'What on Earth does she have planned?' Kakashi thought to himself, wondering what mischievous scenario would require a chair in the bedroom.

"Get in here Hatake!" Tsuki yelled from down the hall. Kakashi got up and scraped the excess food into the garbage and put their plates in the sink before walking down the hall to the bedroom.

When he entered, he looked down to see the dining chair facing the bed with some Ninja wire string on top of the seat.

"Get naked and get in the chair!" Tsuki yelled giddily as she grabbed the wire from the seat. Kakashi began to undress, Tsuki couldn't help but reach out and run her hand across his abs and v-line as he undressed. But she restrained herself and didn't let out go further than that. She pecked him on the lips.

"What the hell are you up to, Kuraku?" He smirked and sat in the chair. Tsuki began to tie up his torso pinning his arms to the sides of the chair. She also tied his ankles to the legs of the chair.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now