The Night Before Pain (🍋)

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Tsuki walked in the door, it was already dark outside. Naruto had left to Mt. Myoboku to train with Lord Fukusaku and Tsuki had spent the day with Sakura learning more advanced medical ninjutsu.

"I'm home!" Tsuki yelled out, picking up the habit from Kakashi.

Kakashi was in the kitchen making dinner, as per usual.

"Hey, love. How was your day?" Kakashi asked smiling at the sight of Tsuki.

"Great. Learned a lot from Sakura. How about yours?" Tsuki asked walking up to him and placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Ugh, a lot of paperwork, I had to catch up on my reports from previous missions I've been putting off." He said

"Oh my God you just need to do them as soon as you get back from missions and just save yourself the annoyance." Tsuki teased,"I'm gonna go shower."

"Be quick, dinner's almost ready." Kakashi said smacking her on the ass as she walked away.

Tsuki turned the water to hot, undressed and stepped into the shower to let the warm water hit her skin as she washed off the day. She shampooed her hair, washed her body and stepped out wrapping herself in a towel

"Hey foods ready!" Kakashi yelled from the kitchen.

Tsuki left herself stay wrapped in the towel and she made her way to the kitchen. Maybe she could tempt Kakashi into sex tonight, she wanted him so bad. She so desperately wanted him to dominate her in bed.

She sat down at the kitchen table, still wrapped in her towel while Kakashi was plating the food with his back to her. As soon as he turned around with the plates his eyes widened at the sight of Tsuki innocently sitting there in her towel that barely covered anything.

Tsuki's face got red as she could see a bulge growing in his pants.

"You're doing this on purpose." He said keeping his calm demeanor and setting the plates down in the front of them before taking his own seat at the dining table.

"Thank you for the food!" She flashed a devilish smile,"What exactly am I doing, Kakashi-sensei?"

Kakashi cleared his throat and pulled his mask down to start eating. They ate in silence, Kakashi watched her every move and eye'd her up and down hungrily. They may be eating dinner, but she was going to be his dessert.

Tsuki waited until they were both finished to break the news to him. News that would surely make him jealous and hopefully make him want to fuck her silly,"I forgot to tell you. When I was training with Sakura, I ran into Lady Tsunade in the Hokage's tower and it seems I have a mission to go on tomorrow."

"A solo mission?" Kakashi said flatly unashamed that he was staring directly at Tsuki's cleavage.

"No, a Co-Op mission." She said again, pulling her legs slightly apart to give Kakashi a tease.

"With who?" He asked. Tsuki could hear the jealousy beginning to lace his voice knowing it wasn't him going on the mission with her.

"It seems that Lady Tsunade is still very short on ninja, and she didn't want you AND I to be away from the village considering Naruto's gone. So she had no choice but to send me with Genma." Tsuki finally admitted

"Genma?!" Kakashi was fuming now. Tsuki smiled to herself. Kakashi new Genma liked her so he basically didn't want him around her at all.

"Yes, Genma." Tsuki said pouting her lips

"Well I'll guess I'll have to give you a parting gift to remind you who you belong to." He said scooping Tsuki up from her chair, letting her towel fall to the floor as he carried her to the bedroom.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now