First Date (🍋)

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Tsuki woke up a couple of hours later in an unfamiliar bed, as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she saw the clock on the wall read 2:00AM, then she saw Kakashi, still in his date night clothes asleep in the recliner. This must be his room.

'He must have taken me back to his place to take care of my drunk ass!' Tsuki thought to herself mortified. Kakashi woke up to the sound of her stirring.

"You ok? How's your head?" He asked assuming she would have a headache from being hungover.

"Surprisingly fine..." Tsuki said taking a sip of water from the glass on the nightstand and standing up to stretch"Hey I'm sorry I got so drunk and passed out. I probably ruined our first date. You seem to always be taking care of me when I'm unconscious." She thought back to their first co-op mission.

"Don't worry about it, you didn't ruin anything. But now that you're awake I wanted to talk to you about something." Kakashi said. He was determined to tell her that he was in love with her even though it felt like his heart was going to beat out of his chest. He couldn't hold it in any longer. He got up and started pacing around the room.

Tsuki was staring at Kakashi as he nervously rambled on about his life and the pain he had gone through.

"Everything I've experienced up until this point has made me closed off and put up an emotional wall to shut out any chance of giving or receiving love and I don't know how it happened but somehow you, you Tsuki, have managed to completely break that wall and take over my mind." Kakashi said causing Tsuki to stand there shocked that he was bearing his soul to her so openly,"Day and night you're all I think about! I don't know why but I feel so protective of you, I feel happy and giddy and comfortable around you like I can actually be myself and be accepted unconditionally so I guess what I'm trying to say is........I love you, Tsuki. I have been so deeply in love with you ever since you hugged me right before I left on that mission with team ten and I can't keep my feelings for you bottled up any longer!"

Tsuki stood there speechless, making Kakashi worried that he had rambled too long or said too much, thinking he looked probably looked crazy. Her mouth hung open as she continued to stare at him; her heart felt so warm finally being told that he felt the same feelings she did when it came to their relationship but she didn't know how to put it into words.

Tsuki still without words walked closer, reached forward and pulled his mask down off of his face. Kakashi just stood there allowing it to happen, terrified that she didn't reciprocate his feelings for her.

Tsuki looked into his eyes as she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him down closer to her height, their faces inching closer and closer together.

'Am I dreaming?' Kakashi thought,'Is this really happening?'

Tsuki continued to pull him down until she closed the space between them and crashed her lips against his, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss that could say more than her words ever would.

Kakashi stood in shock for a moment before he realized he was finally kissing the woman he loved, the woman he wanted to be in his life forever. He let out a sigh of relief from his nose and he kissed her back; His hands that were hanging down at his sides snaked around her waist and lower back to pull her in tighter until there was no space between them at all.

It felt electric. She had never been kissed so fervently before, then again she had never been so in love before. Her body was warm and she felt safe in his arms. He felt the same has he squeezed her waist, never wanting to let go as the tingles caused by her lips traveled from his mouth down his entire body. They felt weightless and like nothing else existed around them besides the other person.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now