The Interrogation

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Kakashi led her out of the hospital and began walking down the streets of Konoha towards the Hokage's tower. He looked over at her and saw her admiring the buildings as they passed by. He found it kind of heartwarming, realizing she was probably just excited to be safe and back in normal civilization instead of torturous captivity.

"So, Lady Tsunade mentioned that your clan possessed a powerful kekkei genkai. May I ask what it is?" Kakashi was curious.

"Oh yeah, it's actually a dojutsu. We possess what's called the Chojougan eyes. When activated, it allows us to see the chakra that exists in the elements found on the Earth. We can connect that chakra to our own and we can manipulate it freely and smoothly without even having to use hand signs! I'm excited to get back to retraining my eyes."

"That does sound interesting, I didn't even know there was another dojutsu besides the big three." Kakashi replied.

"Well the village of Godai, where I'm from was pacifistic and secluded, so it's not very well known..."

Tsuki and Kakashi finally arrived at the Intel Division in the Hokage's tower.

"Hello there Tsuki. My name is Inoichi, I'm one of the heads of the Intel division. I'll be conducting your interrogation today. You won't be physically answering questions but I will be looking into your mind with my jutsu. If I could have you step over here please."

Kakashi stood with his back against the wall while they placed Tsuki into the pod so that only her head was exposed. Inoichi placed his hand on her forehead and begun his process as she promptly fell asleep.

After a few minutes Kakashi spoke up,"See anything useful or suspicious?"

"I'm able to see the inside of some of Orochimaru's hideouts as well as some of his followers. But my God she's been through so much torture, I'm surprised she's still alive to be quite honest. Not to mention her clan being killed."

Kakashi nodded and a few more minutes passed,

"She was a student of your father's, Kakashi?" Inoichi asked.

"Yes briefly. At least according to her." he replied calmly.

"He holds a big place in her mind and heart."

'Me too' Kakashi thought

After about ten minutes, Inoichi completed his process,"I saw absolutely nothing that would make me think she's a danger to the village and she's definitely not working for Orochimaru. The story she told you and Lady Tsunade was 100% true."

"Great, I guess we're all finished then?" Kakashi took a look behind Inoichi and saw Tsuki drowsily climbing out of the pod.

"Yup, all done. You may pass my report to Lady Fifth since that's where you're headed next."

"Understood."Kakashi said as he walked over to Tsuki's side,"Ready?" He held his arm out for her to grab to assist her in standing. Between the venom, hospital recovery, the curse mark sealing, the interrogation, she was exhausted, so she happily used Kakashi for support and balance

"Don't worry, the drowsiness wears off quickly." Inoichi said as Kakashi escorted Tsuki out the door.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now