Tsuki Hatake (very fluffy)

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Kakashi stood in front of Rin's grave dressed in his kimono. His ninja headband was back at home and he kept his left eye closed as he decided to vent to Rin about his feelings for Tsuki. He had already done the same to Obito's, Minato's, and his father's grave.

"Rin, I'm getting married today to the most perfect, most beautiful woman I've ever met. This is honestly the happiest I've been since losing you, Obito, sensei, and my father. I didn't think I'd ever come back from that darkness. But Tsuki lights up my life and I wish you were here to see us get married and restart the Hatake clan. I think you'd be best friends with her if you were alive to meet her."

Kakashi took a deep breath and sighed,"I hope you and Obito are doing good in the afterlife, I better go. I'm gonna be late."

"I'm gonna go catch up with Guy and Lady Tsunade! We have to put our signatures on your wedding certificate as witnesses." Kurenai said to Tsuki as they walked towards the cherry blossom fields.

"Ok Kurenai, I'll see you there." Tsuki smiled as Kurenai ran off leaving Tsuki behind to finish the journey on her own.

Tsuki didn't mind, she actually appreciated the alone time as she wanted to calm herself down before marrying Kakashi. She was still nervous even though this was without a doubt something she wanted to do.

She stood at the entrance of the cherry blossom tree field, the pretty pink petals were lightly raining down and she stared down the trail that would lead her to the "alter."

"Hey stranger." The silver haired jonin emerged from behind a tree clad in a black kimono with a white waistband.

"Goddamn you look good, Kashi." Tsuki bit her lip at the sight of him, openly letting a blush take over her cheeks.

Kakashi laughed,"Not as good as you, Kuraku." He walked and wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a masked kiss on the top of her head. She rested her head into his chest. He played it cool, but in reality, she took his breath away,"You look gorgeous, Tsuki."

"Before we go out there, Kakashi, I just want you to know how happy you make me and how much I love you. I can't believe you catching me as I stumbled out of the forest and carrying me to the hospital would spiral into us getting married. You're my soulmate, I love you just the way you are and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you..." Tsuki poured her heart out.

Her words tugged at Kakashi's heart strings, he'd never felt more accepted and loved by anyone as much as he did with Tsuki, a smile crept up onto his face,"I was gonna say the same thing, love."

Tsuki hooked her finger into his mask and pulled it down to place a kiss onto his lips in a warm embrace.

"That was it." Kakashi said

"Huh?" Tsuki asked

"That was our last kiss before we're husband and wife." Kakashi replied with a smile

Before Kakashi could put his mask back up on his face, she quickly jumped up and pecked his lips,"No, that was it." She said with a smirk.

Kakashi pulled his mask back up and took her hand into his,"Ready?"

Tsuki took a deep breath and blew it out through pursed lips and gripped his hand,"Ready."

They walked down the path together with their hands intertwined until they came to a clearing and saw Tsunade, Kurenai, and Guy waiting for them.

They walked up in front of Tsunade and faced each other, grasping each other's hands as they gazed longingly at each other.

Tsunade began to spiel off the typical wedding speech, but Kakashi and Tsuki were too lost in each other's eyes to even pay attention to what she was saying. It seemed like hours had passed, time slowed down in this state of enchantment.

Fear and Love Part I (Kakashi X oc Story) Where stories live. Discover now